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The Haunting :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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The Haunting

29th of Febraury, 2004

Author :
Contact info :
Date of release : 29th of February, 2004

Requirements : This mission required GayleSaver's Script pack version v1.2.0 (BugFix version) or higher,
and Telliamed's tnhScript pack version v1.3 or higher.
Both of these script packs can be downloaded at:

Important Note : In order to use some objects in this mission, you will need to hold down the use button, rather
than merely pressing it once, quickly. This applies mostly to objects that can be turned, allowing
you to turn them to precise angles.
Basically, if something doesn't seem to do anything when you try to use it, you need to hold down
the use button.

Description : I had lived in that house for all of my life.
It had been in my family for generations, and I was very happy there.
When Lord Tralsius told me that he wished to buy my home, I made it clear to him that I would
never sell it.
He tried offering me more and more money, and when that didn't work he began to threaten me,
but still I refused.

Then, a week ago, I was walking home through a narrow alleyway as the sun was sinking below the
horizon. Suddenly, a figure appeared out of the shadows, and it took me a few moments to
recognise it as being that of Lord Tralsius.

"Hello," he said, and began to approach me slowly.

"You?" I asked, "I have told you before, I will not sell the house. Not to you. Not to anyone."

He smiled, then, and took a quick step towards me.
I only just had time to see the dagger in his hand before he had burried it in my chest.

I slowly fell forwards onto the floor, and yet, despite the blood now pooling around me, I felt
no pain, and was able to stand again with ease.
Lord Tralsius was walking casually away, wiping his hands on some piece of cloth.
I ran after him, throwing myself at him from behind to knock him from his feet, but instead I
found myself sailing through him, and landed on the floor a few steps away.
It was only then that I realised that my body was still lying where I had left it, completely
devoid of any life.

I was dead.

Now, a week after that fateful day, Lord Tralsius and his wife are living in my home, having
stolen not only my house but my very life.
I vow that they will have no peace while my ghost still haunts this earth! I will not rest
until they have been driven from my former home!


* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title : The Haunting
File name(s) : Miss21.mis
Difficulty Settings : No
Equipment store : No
Map / automap : No (blank)
New objects : Yes
New graphics : Yes
New motions : Yes
New sounds : Yes
Multi language support : No

Briefing : No

Known bugs : There are some serious lighting issues in this place;
I tried to fix them, but didn't have much luck.

The AIs have some difficulty navigating in this house,
and may occasionally get stuck.
If they get really badly stuck, saving your game and
then reloading it might solve the problem.

Difficulty Level Info : N/A

* Construction *

Base : None
Build Time : Over 192 hours. (8 solid days)


* Loading information *

Put the .ZIP in \thief\missions directory. DO NOT UNZIP.
Run the mission using DarkLoader.

I would like to thank the following people:

* Objects *
Nameless Voice

* Textures *
Nameless Voice

* Voice Actors *
John D (Male Noble)
Raetsel (Female Noble)

* Custom Scripts *

* Special Thanks To *
The Keeper of Metal and Gold

"The Encylopedia of Victorianna"
"The Collected Ghost Stories of M. R. James"
"Randell & Hopkirk (Deceased)"

* Copyright *

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.
Fan Mission Authors: please ask before using any of the custom elements of this mission in your own work.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 29.02.2004
• Size 8.96 Mb
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