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The Summit

The Summit
Inspired by and featuring the music of Patrick O'Hearn

A Thief 2 Fan Mission created for Komag's 5th Small FM Contest

Author: Yandros (Russ) (robbinsr@lexmark.com)
Release Date: Feburary 29th, 2004
Version: 1.0

So tall, silent against the sky
Up through the clouds, where eagles fly
Wind and rain beat down on one so strong
They cut but never change what stood so long

I am in the ground, I am in the air
I am all, I live in the hearts of men
I am the call to greatness not all can hear
I awaken the creator in those who dare
And the day will come when we all must die
And enter the mountainside

Tall as a mountain
I’m gonna tear through the sky
Life’s for the taking
Like a man is a mountainside
Greatness waits for those who try
What they teach you is all inside

“Mountains” ~ Manowar

Hints and Tips:

Master the use of your grappling hook.
Access it via arrow slot #8 (normally rope arrow). It can be retrieved
and reused, just like a rope arrow.
Important: It will stick to any stone surface, but NOT to snow or ice
(which are too soft and too brittle, respectively).

Don't start at Everest (Expert) difficulty.
Although many FM players are in the habit of starting at Expert and
not replaying, the Iron Man objective at this difficulty level will prove
frustrating to most players until they are at least somewhat familiar
with the terrain. I suggest even seasoned Thief players begin at
Mountain (medium) difficulty, and replay at Everest if they wish to
tackle it with the Iron Man objective.

Enable fog and weather.
The fog and snow add tremendously to the immersion in this mission.
I urge everyone with hardware which supports these features to enable
them before starting.

Objectives and Difficulties:

1. Make it to the summit.
Molehill has a shorter route to the summit - some areas are inaccessible.
Grappling Hooks: 4 Healing potions: 2

1. Make it to the summit.
In Mountain, all areas are accessible.
Grappling Hooks: 3 Healing potions: 1

1. Make it to the summit.
2. Iron Man: Don't load a saved game.
In Everest, all areas are accessible, and you cannot load a saved game.
Grappling Hooks: 2 Healing potions: 1

Thanks & Credits:

Grappling Hook - Schwaa (J. Knez)
Dwarf – Rob Hicks, skin altered by the author

LostCityX - ported from T1G by Rob Hicks

Main Menu - Altered States by Sepultura
Objectives and Loading - Panning The Sands by Patrick O'Hearn
Lower Mountain ambient - Northwest Passage by Patrick O'Hearn
Upper Mountain ambient - Approaching Summit by Patrick O'Hearn

Nightwalker, Dark Arrow, Peter Smith

Contest hosting…

Everyone at The Editor’s Guild… but especially Nameless Voice for
the triggers on load tutorial, and Polygon for showing me how to
make the replacement full-screen menu so easily.

Copyright Information

This mission is ©2004 by Yandros (Russ)

This level was not made by and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 29.02.2004
• Size 5.87 Mb
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