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Return to the Lost City :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Return to the Lost City


Title : Return to the Lost City
Filename : ReturnToTheLostCity.zip
Author : intruder (Steffen Lehnert)
Contact info : thehoosh@web.de
Date of Release : 02.06.2017
Version : 1.0
Description : A Lost City themed FM


* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age

Level Names : Return to the Lost City
File Name : miss31.mis
Difficulty Settings : Normal, Hard and Expert with different objectives and gear
Equipment Store : Yes
Map : No
Automap : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Objects : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
EAX Support : No
Multi-Language Support : English, German
Briefing : No
Known bugs : None

* Construction *

Base : From Scratch
Build Time : 05/2011 - 06/2017


* Story *

I was on my way to Byron, the new fence in Southquarter, when I noticed that I was being followed by
someone who appeared to be well-trained in the arts of stealth and deception. This guy has either no
idea what he's gotten himself into, or worse, I'm in deep trouble again. But hey, they don't call me
the master thief for no reason, and getting rid of unwanted company almost counts as daily business.
However, this guy was up to the task, and just as I wanted to escape using the good old
Thieves' Highway I noticed that he was a Keeper. A couple of minutes later we sat together in a dark
corner of the Southquarter Inn and he told me why he sought me out. Keepers...why do they always
bother me with their affairs?

As it turned out, there is an entire district of Karath-Din buried deep beneath Southquarter which
I never heard of before. The district was discovered by a Keeper exploration party shortly before the
incident in Old Quarter. The Keepers who were scheduled with the task of exploring and mapping out
this district even built a small Keeper chapel and were working on some other project too.
Unfortunately, this part of Karath-Din was struck by a series of heavy earthquakes during that time
and nothing was ever heard of the Keepers again. A rescue party, sent shortly after a severe
quake, was not able to make it into Karath-Din as all paths were blocked by debris. All members of the
initial exploration party were declared dead and the entrance was sealed again by the Keepers.

Due to the events in Old Quarter, this sealed-off section of Karath-Din was soon forgotten again.
Recently, however, a young Keeper scribe stumbled upon some notes about the first exploration party in
an old book, and the Keeper Council decided that this matter should finally be investigated.
This is where I come in ...

Thanks to my "expertise", the Keepers want me to find a way into this sealed-off section and to
unravel what happened back then. Although I wasn't really fond of the idea of risking my life trying
to get down there again, this Keeper soon directed my attention to something more in line with my own
interests. The Keepers offered to buy anything valuable I might find in Karath-Din to prevent
me from selling it to some ruthless fence. As if I would care about preserving the heritage of the
Lost City...Dammit, I wish I'd never gone down there in the first place.

They want me to find the buried Keeper chapel and discover what happened to the members of the first
expedition. The entrance to this part of Karath-Din is located somewhere here in Southquarter, in one
of the local sewers nearby. Finding the entrance shouldn't be a problem. Getting into Karath-Din,
however, might turn out to be more challenging. Official documents dating back to the time of the
incident also mention an abandoned iron mine which was sealed-off decades before the first houses of
Southquarter were built atop it. With a bit of luck, some of the mine shafts might provide me with
another way into Karath-Din.

I just hope that the whole place is still intact; otherwise I might risk my life for nothing...


* Loading Information *

Darkloader ready. Do not unzip -- Place in fan mission folder and install using
Darkloader 4.2 or later.


* Special Thanks *

Beta Testers:
* H3H3
* skacky
* downwinder
* prjames
* cardia1


* Additional Copyright Information *

This FM uses the following scripts, objects and sounds:

== Scripts ==

* tnhScript by Tom N Harris

== Objects ==

* objects from Thief 1
* Nielson74 (4x4SecretDoor)
* Eshakatar (anubis statue)
* Jason Otto (jar, chains, toilet)

== Textures ==

* textures from Thief 1
* some textures made by Child of Karras

== Sounds ==

* creature sounds from Thief 1
* ambient sounds from Thief 1


* Copyright Information *

This Fanmission is (c) by intruder (Steffen Lehnert) 2017

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is
kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit and re-distribute this mission without my express permission.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Eidos Interactive,
or Ion Storm.

• Uploaded 01.06.2017
• Size 11.91 Mb
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