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Return to Catheral :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Return to Catheral

Title : 'Return to Catheral'
Filename : t2return.zip
Author : Anom
Contact info : n/a

Date of release : December 2002
Update : April 2004

Description : Conversion of Thief gold Return to Cathedral to Thief 2

Notes : May not work if you patched thief2 with the american version of the patch.

Beta Testers : Freddy Fox, mmafreak, theBlackman, Nightwalker, Peter Smith,
Dafydd ab Hugh, PepsiMaxOnly,

Special thanks :

* Play Information *

Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : 'Return to Catheral'
File name : miss29.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment store : Yes
Map : Yes
Automap : Yes
New graphics : No
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : No, English only

Briefing : No

Known bugs : Murus quests are no longer available to be solved in a random manner.

Update :

Other info : Very easy to break the level, when doing Murus quests.

Base :
Build Time : 3 weeks

unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in darkloader

Loading information : Copy t2return.zip into "mission" folder and then run the
level with darkloader.
* Copyright *

Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by (deceased Looking Glass Studios) Ion Storm or Eidos
Interactive, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for
any information.

• Uploaded 04.04.2004
• Size 11.43 Mb
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