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Thief2X: Shadows of the Metal Age

This FAQ is for T2X specific problems. If something is not covered here,
please visit the Thief Technical FAQ which can be found on the TTLG forums:

Q. I've installed T2X, now how do i start it?

A: Simply run the T2X.exe file or use the shortcut on the desktop or in the
start menu if you created one during installation.

Q. The original Thief 2 game keeps loading and not T2X.

A: First check that T2X was correctly installed. Look inside your thief2
directory and you should see a directory called t2x. If this directory is
missing then try reinstalling t2x. If t2x is installed correctly, be sure
you are not terminating the t2x.exe application until AFTER thief2
terminates. The reason for this is that t2x.exe will alter a config file
both when it starts and when it shuts down.

Q. I want to play the original Thief 2 game but T2X keeps loading instead.

A: This may occur if t2x.exe is not shutdown correctly (if thief 2 crashed
during play). An easy fix would be to simply run the t2x.exe and then close
it again. This will make the required changes to a config file in order to
play regular thief2. If you would prefer to manually edit the config file,
please refer to the question about "running T2X without the t2x.exe file".

Q. When starting T2X i keep getting a message saying that a Fan Mission is
loaded but this is not true. T2X then shutsdown.

A: This means that for some reason T2X did not clean up properly after it
was last played. This can occur if Thief2 crashes while playing. To fix this
problem you will need to delete the directory called "strings" that is
located in the same place that Thief2 is installed. The default location is
C:\Program Files\thief2.

Q. Can I play other fan missions with T2X installed?

A: Yes, the installation will not interfere with Darkloader missions.
However, fan missions WILL interfere with T2X. Before playing T2X be sure to
have Darkloader restore Thief2 to its original state. Your saved games will
be fine, but T2X requires Thief2 to be in an original state in order to work
correctly. Failure to restore Thief2 before playing T2X will result in your
strings directory being overwritten.

Q. When playing T2X i have found that files from a Fan Mission are being
used (including map files). How do i fix this?

A: Use Darkloader to restore Thief2 to its original state before playing
T2X. Any saved games will be safe. T2X requires Thief2 to be in its original
state in order to work correctly.

Q. Do i need any special codecs installed to watch the cutscenes?

A: Yes, the VP3 Codec is required. If you did not install the codec during
the installation of T2X, you can manually install it by running the
VP3_Codec executable found in the "\t2x\codec\" directory.

Q. None of the briefings or cutscenes are working. What's going on?

A: This is a known WinXP bug where the codec becomes corrupt. Please
visit the Thief Technical FAQ that is listed at the top of this file
for a solution to this problem.

Q. All i'm seeing is a black screen. How do i fix this?

A: Please visit the Thief Technical FAQ that is listed at the top of
this file for a solution to this problem.

Q. Thief crashes with an error about D3D Texture Memory.

A: Please visit the Thief Technical FAQ that is listed at the top of
this file for a solution to this problem.

Q. How can i run T2X without using the T2X.exe file?

A: If you would prefer to play T2X without using the launcher program you
will first need to copy over the "strings" directory from the T2X directory
and place it in your main Thief2 directory. You will also need to copy over
the darkhooks.dlx file from the T2X directory and place it in your Thief2
directory. Finally you will need to manually edit the "darkinst.cfg" file
found in the parent thief2 directory. Open this file using notepad and look
for the following four lines: resname_base, load_path, script_module_path,
movie_path. These tell thief2 where to find the required resources. You will
need to edit these four lines to point to the t2x resources.

For example...

resname_base c:\Program Files\Thief2\res+D:\thief2
load_path c:\Program Files\Thief2+D:\thief2
script_module_path c:\Program Files\Thief2+D:\thief2
movie_path c:\Program Files\Thief2\movies+D:\thief2\movies

These lines need to look like...

resname_base .\t2x+c:\Program Files\Thief2\res+D:\thief2
load_path .\t2x+c:\Program Files\Thief2+D:\thief2
script_module_path .\t2x+c:\Program Files\Thief2+D:\thief2
movie_path .\t2x\movies+c:\Program Files\Thief2\movies+D:\thief2\movies

Of course, once you've finished playing T2X you will need to change these
lines back to their original state otherwise you will not be able to play
original Thief2. Also delete the strings directory and darkhooks.dlx file
from your thief2 directory.

Q. What happens if i mess up the darkinst.cfg file? How do i restore it?

A: There is an identical file in the parent thief2 directory called
"install.cfg". Simply open this and copy the contents into your darkinst.cfg
file and save.

Q. How do i uninstall T2X?

A: You can uninstall T2X by running the "uninstall" executable.

Q. Can I use any textures/AI/sounds from T2X in my own FM's?

A: Please refer to the Legal Disclaimer found in the T2X directory.

Q. What exactly does the T2X.exe file do?

A: The T2X.exe program is designed to automate the setup of files to allow
for T2X to play correctly. Firstly it will copy the "strings" directory that
is in the T2X directory and place it in the Thief2 directory. It will also do
the same with the darkhooks.dlx file. If these files are not copied over you
will encounter small errors while playing T2X. After copying the files, the
program will then edit the darkinst.cfg file to point Thief2 to the location
of the resources used by T2X. Once this is all done the program will launch
Thief2 and you will be able to play T2X as it was intended.

• Uploaded 15.05.2005 • Size 695.99 Mb
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