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The Mirror of Return

* The Mirror of Return (Beta Version 1) *

A fan mission by PsymH (M.H.)

--- Important Notes! ---

DarkLoader version 4.2 or higher is required. Otherwise, this text may be displayed in the wrong language and most music files may not play.

This FM has not been tested with GarrettLoader. Therefore, no guarantee!

This mission uses and contains the custom scripts of Telliamed (PublicScripts V2.1, tnhScript V2.1).

Although this mission directly follows Ultima Ratio, it continues the events in a new storyline. It is not necessary to play the previous mission beforehand.

Many things that can be read contain hints to puzzle elements of the FM. If you get stuck, try to remember what you have already read.

--- Description ---

"Well, how some things can change. My pursuers believed they had me in their grasp, but I proved them wrong. It's a pity for Orin - he was essentially innocent. At least Nestor got what he deserved. And his records were very revealing.
Although his papers still remain silent about the location of the Element of Three Powers, I now know why he showed such keen interest in me. In the end, it was all about making contact with a certain Larius. And who better to act as a mediator than someone who turned his back on the Keepers a long time ago? Nestor must have somehow heard that Larius is an expert in ancient relics - especially those with great magical potential.
What Nestor didn't know was that Larius is rarely found in the city's Keeper compound. Artemus told me that he travels a lot. Well, someone has to chase the rumors. His last destination was in the southern regions. No idea what he's looking for there. It's possible that it's related to a very old fortress built on a strong magical source.
As with many things, I cannot be sure if Larius is still there. But I have no other source. As the Hammerites always preach: Never question the words of the Builder...

And as for Duncan: I've never seen him. Hopefully, that won't change."

-- Information --

Game: Dark Project 2 - The Metal Age
Title: The Mirror of Return
Filename: miss22.mis, miss23.mis, miss24.mis
Difficulty levels: Number of objectives, opponents, and puzzle difficulty levels vary from level to level
Equipment shop: No
Map: Yes
Automap: No
New textures: Yes
New sounds: Yes
New objects/AIs: Yes
Multi-lingual: Not yet
Intro: No

--- Known Bugs and Issues ---

If you carry the torch and pick up a body, the body also becomes a torch. Unfortunately, I couldn't fix this.

Using the Eye of Revelation in very tight spaces or close to the wall may cause temporary display issues.

The shadows cast by the palms do not affect the visibility gem and cannot serve as a hiding spot.

--- Construction ---

Base: Mine!
Construction time: Should be sometime in 2007 when I started...

--- Credits ---

- Beta Test -

- Beta Test -

- New Objects -
Nameless Voice
Dark Arrow
Team CoSaS

Special thanks to Greenhorn, who contributed a lot specifically for this FM.

- New Textures -
David Gurrea
Thorin Oakenshield
Ville Paavolainen
Nameless Voice

Mayang's Free Textures
Optimized by Sliptip for Thief 2.

- New Sounds -

- Special thanks to -
Rob Hicks for DromEd Deluxe
Fibanocci for the menu image

Special thanks to Nameless Voice and to Vigil, Eshaktaar, R Soul, and DarkDragon for the Thief 2 Enhancement Pack!

Also thanks to Sliptip for allowing me to use textures from "Ashen Age".

Also to Blackmen, who not only stood by me with advice and support but also came up with many texts for this mission.

...and all those who helped me in the forums with advice and support, as well as those I forgot to list here.

--- Copyright ---

@ 2009 PsymH (M.H.)
The distribution of this mission is permitted as long as it is done for free and the file remains intact. Use at your own risk. This level is not created by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive and is not supported by them.

• Uploaded 10.10.2009 • Size 40.59 Mb
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