Trickster's Gem Mine: Errand Boy

Title : TTGM:Errand Boy
Filename :
Author : Belboz
Contact info :
Date of release : 3 August 2000
Update :
Description : Based on the map for Garrett's Revenge, the Keepers
have a mission for you. You can do what you like,
break into buildings, steal anything valuable, knockout
who you want (except cops on expert), hack to death who
you want.
: Its an early spring evening, the sun has only just set,
when you finally get to your destination, the Keeper's
want you to find someone who has gone missing, the head
Keeper of the local Keeper observation house has more
details, you have been advised to meet him in a room
that has been built over an arched area. You, as Garrett,
has never been to this part of the city due to it being
an over guarded area, due to it being next to the major
shipping area controlling the current war. A curfew is
in force in this area, anyone found on the streets after
sunset is in serious trouble, a thief like Garrett, will
be killed on sight.
The last group of thieves that tried to plunder this area
can be found spread around the city, their severed remains
can be seen, hanging from spikes, as a warning to others.
Note : Play on Normal or Hard before trying Expert cos you can
die within 49 seconds when playing on expert.
There are 3 rules.
1. Save often.
2. On expert you can use your sword to defend yourself
against the cops, but only if they attack first.
3. At the beginning, do not rush out into the light.
Beta Testers : Sneak, Lancer, MaD-SaM.
Special thanks : I used Totality's guide to 'Sources and Receptions, for
teleporting and timing' to produce some effects in the
mission, namely the bonus objective, and the non knockouting
of the cops on expert, and the main objective.
And thanks to the beta testers.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : TTGM:Errand Boy
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map : Yes
Automap : No
New graphics : Yes (but only for a book and a scroll)
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes (but can't test this, my crap sound chip don't support it)
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : No
Known bugs : Some slow down, probably due to thief thinking something is
dropping out of the level, speeds up after a while, (you've
picked up the buggy object). Some of the AI's do not return
to their point of origin when they flee, and are therefore in
one of two locations. Some noise problems, has to do with the
shape of some of the buildings. Some objects seem to hang in
mid air, these objects have been identified as slowing down
the level and have been moved out of the floor to stop them
from doing so. The level takes a while to reload after you've
died (stops loading for 30 seconds, I think its moving things
arround in the level)
Update :
Other info :
Base : Garrett's Revenge
Build Time : 3 months
unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in thiefloader
Loading information : Copy into "mission" folder and then run the
level with Thiefloader or darkloader.
* Copyright *
Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for
any information.
Title : TTGM:Errand Boy
Filename :
Author : Belboz
Contact info :
Date of release : 3 August 2000
Update :
Description : Based on the map for Garrett's Revenge, the Keepers
have a mission for you. You can do what you like,
break into buildings, steal anything valuable, knockout
who you want (except cops on expert), hack to death who
you want.
: Its an early spring evening, the sun has only just set,
when you finally get to your destination, the Keeper's
want you to find someone who has gone missing, the head
Keeper of the local Keeper observation house has more
details, you have been advised to meet him in a room
that has been built over an arched area. You, as Garrett,
has never been to this part of the city due to it being
an over guarded area, due to it being next to the major
shipping area controlling the current war. A curfew is
in force in this area, anyone found on the streets after
sunset is in serious trouble, a thief like Garrett, will
be killed on sight.
The last group of thieves that tried to plunder this area
can be found spread around the city, their severed remains
can be seen, hanging from spikes, as a warning to others.
Note : Play on Normal or Hard before trying Expert cos you can
die within 49 seconds when playing on expert.
There are 3 rules.
1. Save often.
2. On expert you can use your sword to defend yourself
against the cops, but only if they attack first.
3. At the beginning, do not rush out into the light.
Beta Testers : Sneak, Lancer, MaD-SaM.
Special thanks : I used Totality's guide to 'Sources and Receptions, for
teleporting and timing' to produce some effects in the
mission, namely the bonus objective, and the non knockouting
of the cops on expert, and the main objective.
And thanks to the beta testers.
* Play Information *
Game : Thief 2: The Metal Age
Level Name : TTGM:Errand Boy
File name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : Yes
Map : Yes
Automap : No
New graphics : Yes (but only for a book and a scroll)
New sounds : No
EAX Support : Yes (but can't test this, my crap sound chip don't support it)
Multi language support : No, English only
Briefing : No
Known bugs : Some slow down, probably due to thief thinking something is
dropping out of the level, speeds up after a while, (you've
picked up the buggy object). Some of the AI's do not return
to their point of origin when they flee, and are therefore in
one of two locations. Some noise problems, has to do with the
shape of some of the buildings. Some objects seem to hang in
mid air, these objects have been identified as slowing down
the level and have been moved out of the floor to stop them
from doing so. The level takes a while to reload after you've
died (stops loading for 30 seconds, I think its moving things
arround in the level)
Update :
Other info :
Base : Garrett's Revenge
Build Time : 3 months
unzipping information : Check the zip to see if any files are going to be overwritten,
and make copies of the originals, somewhere safe, if they are
going to be over written.
will work in thiefloader
Loading information : Copy into "mission" folder and then run the
level with Thiefloader or darkloader.
* Copyright *
Blah blah, you have the right to play the level, but not to use it as a base for other
levels, blah, blah, nor may it be stuffed in a compilation on a CDRom or DVD, blah, blah,
you may stick it on your web site as long as all original documentation remains intact.
You can not make any cash out of this level, cos I will be sorely pissed if you do, and
Garrett will visit you on the darkest night, and pinch everything not nailed down, blah,
blah. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Interactive, so they won't have a clue what you're talking about if you ask them for
any information.
• Uploaded 27.06.2001
• Size 4.69 Mb