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Weak Links

Weak Links

A traveler, Lord Victor, has arrived at his mansion in the City. He has spent
the last few months on a journey to the Furthest Islands, and now came
to the City to boast of his adventures and acquisitions. And of his daughters,
too. The Lord wishes to marry his eldest, Hannah, to a wealthy nobleman. News
have already spread about a precious artifact the Lord has brought from his
overseas journey. Tomorrow, a ceremonial exhibition of showpieces brought by
the Lord is going to be held at his mansion. Or rather, was going, as I intend
to make the host change his plans.
Tonight, the Lord is attending a ball, together with his daughters. That leaves
the mansion with only servants and guards inside. After nightfall, I'm going to
have a private tour of the exhibition.

The mansion is well-guarded, but every security system is bound to have a weak
link. Most often, it is the human element. An acquaintance of mine, Honest
Timmy, works in the mansion as a servant. Honest only as far as the name goes,
he has agreed to help me to prepare the break-in. We met recently, and it turned
out that my sidekick is very useful. He's managed to steal the plan of the
ground floor from the library. It will be of great help when I go "sightseeing".
Timmy has also warned me of a new security system installed in the exhibition
hall. Still, he has no idea how and where it can be disarmed. But, he promised
to try to find out. Moreover, he's told me of a safe, supposedly hidden within
the mansion, containing more valuables. I'm going to check it out.

The boy has also opened me a way inside the mansion - by unscrewing a manhole
into the City's sewers. This is how I'll breach the mansion's outer wall.
Good job, Timmy.
We were scheduled to meet again just before my break-in. Timmy was supposed to
provide me with additional information on where the new guards are stationed,
and collect his payment. Unfortunately, he didn't show up. It's suspicious and I
fear that something might have gone wrong. Despite that, I'm not going to give
up the job. I'll just keep more alert and cautious than usual.
Once more, this night will be mine.

Author: Ghost in the Shell

English translation by Feanor
Thief Anniversary Contest entry (5th place)
Difficulty levels:

Burglar - Simpliest thiefy job. You are free to kill guards, but not servants.
Not very difficult. Medium loot objective.

Explorer - Very high loot objective forces you to explore almost each
accessible place. To satisfy loot objective you have to find some of
the secrets containing loot. You can't kill guards or servants.

Noiseless - You can't be noticed by guards or servants, you can't kill or even
knock them out. Low loot objective. There is an additional
objective (optional) at this difficulty level which doesn't appear
at two other difficulty levels.

While playing at all difficulty levels, "Ghosting failed" notice may pop up.
The ghosting objective exists only at Noiseless level, at other levels the
notice is of no importance and can be ignored.

Ghosting at Noiseless level: The Guards won't really mind valuable trinkets
disappearing around them. But, if they realize important exhibition showpieces
have gone missing, ghosting fails.

Play information:

Game: Thief 2: The Metal Age
Mission Title: Weak Links
File name: miss20.mis, 10thACdark.gam
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Equipment store: No
Map / automap: Yes/No
New graphics: Yes
New sounds: No
EAX support: No
Multi language support: No
Briefing: No

Known Bugs: One of the servants in the basement likes to get on the table in
the guard quarters and stay there. It happens once in a while.
Loading Information:

Mission is DarkLoader ready. Do not unzip this mission, unless you enjoy
deleting files from your Thief 2 folder manually or you know what you are

Scripts Info & Credits:

This zip file includes custom scripts by Nameless Voice and Telliamed.
This zip file includes original scripts by Looking Glass Studios.
Custom Objects and Textures Credits:

This mission includes objects created or improved by
Alun Bestor (www.washboardabs.net/thief/)
Nameless Voice
R Soul

Some objects comes from NV's Thief Enhancement Pack.

This mission includes distant art graphics by Wille.

This mission includes map background by Alun Bestor

Special thanks to the ttlg.com members, whose answering my questions helped me
bring the creation of this FM to the happy finale.

This level is (c) by Ghost In The Shell - Krzysztof ?erko, November 2008.

Permission is granted to distribute this level providing it remains whole and
intact and the parties involved make no profit from this action. Should you
distribute this FM by any means, please let me know by sending an email to

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios
or Eidos Interactive.
Updates Log

-Updated credits (readme file)
Weak Links v1.0.1

• Uploaded 30.11.2008
• Size 2.84 Mb
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