Raising Corpses

Raising Corpses
Author: Master of Dromed
Credits: A Great Thankyou to all of my great beta and alpha testers: my brothers Tumpi
and Paul, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Beta Testers: Tumpi, Paul, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Contact info: florin651@yahoo.com
Version: 1.2
Date of release: 28.04.2024
This mission is part of my campaign Dark Age Memories-Life of a Thief. The action
takes place way before the events in A Tough Night and Into the Dark Forest and after A
Visit To The Baron. You don't need to play those missions before this to understand what
is happening. Just read Garrett's Journal in your inventory at start. It contains all the
story lines and all you need to know in order to play this mission.
"After the Great Schism in the year 64, a group of hammerites left The City and the order
and begun to live underground a life as hermits. They founded there The Order of Hermits
of Saint Graimal. The order buried themselves beneath the earth and built there the
legendary necropolis of Tora. The ages have passed and now it's the year 864.
I believe I am in luck this week when i discovered a book about an entrance to the old
necropolis, which is located in a hammerite cemetery deep in the wilderness. The legendary
Chalice of Saint Graimal is believed to be buried here, under the necropolis, in a hammerite
mortuary complex. Beneath the cemetery is a facility of the hermits and the book says the
city of Tora is somewhere under the facility. I think it's time to take a ride to this city
and recover the chalice which is unvaluable. Also, one of my fences requires me to steal
the Uraninite Research Notes from the hermits, a document containing information about a
new ore which is believed to have incredible powers. He said I will find the document in
the possessionn of High Priest Colthus, one of the leaders of the hermits.
The rent is late and my landlord is a tough one, so i better hurry and do this job."
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Metal Age (New Dark version 1.27 or newer)
Mission Title: Raising Corpses
File names: miss20.mis, raising.gam
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: map
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
New monsters: yes
EAX support: no
Multi language support: no
Briefing : has briefing video
Playing Styles: Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base: Inspired from Cragscleft Prison, Sabotage at Soulforge,
Down in the Bonehoard, The Haunted Cathedral
Build Time: 1 year
Normal Thief 2 difficulty setting.
Known Bugs:
Has a few minor bugs, some sound rooms not propagate sound very well. Some fps drops
in the necropolis area and other few places, that are annoying on older computers.
If you recognise any assets whose credits I have missed or mistaken, please let me know.
- Water Towers by Ottoj55 files jotwr001.bin, jotwr002.bin, jotwr003.bin, jotwr004.bin
- Big Cisterns by Lord Alan files cisterna.bin, cisternb.bin
- Book Collection by Team 2X files book1.bin, book2.bin, ... book24.bin. Total 24 bin files.
- Demijohn by vigil file chianti.bin
- Electrical Machinery by OttoJ55 files jobigen.bin, jobigtr.bin, jotrans2.bin, jotrans3.bin
- Flowers by Team CoSaS files cosF1.bin... cosF6.bin, total 6 files, cosFPlant1.bin...
cosFPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPFPlant1.bin... cosPFPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPlant1,
... cosPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPot.bin, cosPPlant1.bin ... cosPPlant8.bin, total
8 files, longpot.bin
- Full Trays & Full Goblet by Yandros files fdtray01.bin, fdtray02.bin, fdtray03.bin, pgobwinr.bin
- Olive oil bottle by Vigil file oliveoil.bin
- Open books by Team T2X files booko1.bin, booko2.bin, ... booko6.bin, total 6 files
- Papers by Eshaktaar files keppage.bin, keppages.bin
- Pile of books by R Soul file bookpile.bin
- Piles of Newspaper by team Rose Cottage files rcpap1.bin, rcpap2.bin, ... rcpap5.bin, total 5 files
- Post it board by T2X file postit.bin
- Pub Set by Team CoSaS files whiskey1.bin, whiskey2.bin, whiskey3.bin, wrack1.bin
- Shelved Books Pack by Nielsen74 files 3boogry74.bin, 5boogry74.bin, 10boogry74.bin,
3LCBoo74.bin, 5LCBoo74.bin, 10LCBoo74.bin, 3BooRed74.bin, 5BooRed74.bin, 10BooRed74.bin
- TG-like Machines by FireMage files machine01.bin, machine02.bin, ... machine05.bin, total 5 files
- Tool Cases by OttoJ55 files tools1.bin, tools2.bin
- Files ZHmBild.bin, ZHmBild1.bin, ZHmBild2.bin from Meisterdieb-Seite - several paintings and portraits
All the new paintings are made with the help of Crayon AI generator site.
* Copyright *
This level is ? 2024 by Master of Dromed.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Special Thanks: Paul, Tumpi, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Thank you Taffer Boy for making the Robot Skins, Radioactive Zombies skins, the mission picture and the
briefing video.
- Master of Dromed -
Raising Corpses
Author: Master of Dromed
Credits: A Great Thankyou to all of my great beta and alpha testers: my brothers Tumpi
and Paul, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Beta Testers: Tumpi, Paul, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Contact info: florin651@yahoo.com
Version: 1.2
Date of release: 28.04.2024
This mission is part of my campaign Dark Age Memories-Life of a Thief. The action
takes place way before the events in A Tough Night and Into the Dark Forest and after A
Visit To The Baron. You don't need to play those missions before this to understand what
is happening. Just read Garrett's Journal in your inventory at start. It contains all the
story lines and all you need to know in order to play this mission.
"After the Great Schism in the year 64, a group of hammerites left The City and the order
and begun to live underground a life as hermits. They founded there The Order of Hermits
of Saint Graimal. The order buried themselves beneath the earth and built there the
legendary necropolis of Tora. The ages have passed and now it's the year 864.
I believe I am in luck this week when i discovered a book about an entrance to the old
necropolis, which is located in a hammerite cemetery deep in the wilderness. The legendary
Chalice of Saint Graimal is believed to be buried here, under the necropolis, in a hammerite
mortuary complex. Beneath the cemetery is a facility of the hermits and the book says the
city of Tora is somewhere under the facility. I think it's time to take a ride to this city
and recover the chalice which is unvaluable. Also, one of my fences requires me to steal
the Uraninite Research Notes from the hermits, a document containing information about a
new ore which is believed to have incredible powers. He said I will find the document in
the possessionn of High Priest Colthus, one of the leaders of the hermits.
The rent is late and my landlord is a tough one, so i better hurry and do this job."
* Play Information *
Game: Thief: The Metal Age (New Dark version 1.27 or newer)
Mission Title: Raising Corpses
File names: miss20.mis, raising.gam
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: map
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
New monsters: yes
EAX support: no
Multi language support: no
Briefing : has briefing video
Playing Styles: Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base: Inspired from Cragscleft Prison, Sabotage at Soulforge,
Down in the Bonehoard, The Haunted Cathedral
Build Time: 1 year
Normal Thief 2 difficulty setting.
Known Bugs:
Has a few minor bugs, some sound rooms not propagate sound very well. Some fps drops
in the necropolis area and other few places, that are annoying on older computers.
If you recognise any assets whose credits I have missed or mistaken, please let me know.
- Water Towers by Ottoj55 files jotwr001.bin, jotwr002.bin, jotwr003.bin, jotwr004.bin
- Big Cisterns by Lord Alan files cisterna.bin, cisternb.bin
- Book Collection by Team 2X files book1.bin, book2.bin, ... book24.bin. Total 24 bin files.
- Demijohn by vigil file chianti.bin
- Electrical Machinery by OttoJ55 files jobigen.bin, jobigtr.bin, jotrans2.bin, jotrans3.bin
- Flowers by Team CoSaS files cosF1.bin... cosF6.bin, total 6 files, cosFPlant1.bin...
cosFPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPFPlant1.bin... cosPFPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPlant1,
... cosPlant8.bin, total 8 files, cosPot.bin, cosPPlant1.bin ... cosPPlant8.bin, total
8 files, longpot.bin
- Full Trays & Full Goblet by Yandros files fdtray01.bin, fdtray02.bin, fdtray03.bin, pgobwinr.bin
- Olive oil bottle by Vigil file oliveoil.bin
- Open books by Team T2X files booko1.bin, booko2.bin, ... booko6.bin, total 6 files
- Papers by Eshaktaar files keppage.bin, keppages.bin
- Pile of books by R Soul file bookpile.bin
- Piles of Newspaper by team Rose Cottage files rcpap1.bin, rcpap2.bin, ... rcpap5.bin, total 5 files
- Post it board by T2X file postit.bin
- Pub Set by Team CoSaS files whiskey1.bin, whiskey2.bin, whiskey3.bin, wrack1.bin
- Shelved Books Pack by Nielsen74 files 3boogry74.bin, 5boogry74.bin, 10boogry74.bin,
3LCBoo74.bin, 5LCBoo74.bin, 10LCBoo74.bin, 3BooRed74.bin, 5BooRed74.bin, 10BooRed74.bin
- TG-like Machines by FireMage files machine01.bin, machine02.bin, ... machine05.bin, total 5 files
- Tool Cases by OttoJ55 files tools1.bin, tools2.bin
- Files ZHmBild.bin, ZHmBild1.bin, ZHmBild2.bin from Meisterdieb-Seite - several paintings and portraits
All the new paintings are made with the help of Crayon AI generator site.
* Copyright *
This level is ? 2024 by Master of Dromed.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Special Thanks: Paul, Tumpi, Taffer Boy, Ballzy, AntonTRT, Avangarde23, Maria
Thank you Taffer Boy for making the Robot Skins, Radioactive Zombies skins, the mission picture and the
briefing video.
- Master of Dromed -
• Uploaded 27.04.2024
• Size 182.98 Mb