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A Shadow on the Water


A Thief 2 Fan Mission
by Nick Dablin (nicked)

Title : A Shadow on the Water
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info :
Date of release : May 25th 2024
Version : 1.1

Basso's been making ends meet with a stevedore job down at the Docks, and he just came to me with a
tip-off. The Lady Lucy, a merchant schooner belonging to Captain Morag, recently came into port. At
first, nothing seemed particularly unusual about it, but before long the tavern gossip turned to
the strange behaviour of the crew. Apparently they all seemed to have changed in some indescribable
way - withdrawn and haunted, as if they saw something on that last voyage that none of them will
talk about.
Out of curiosity, Basso snuck a look at the ship's manifest and found some irregularities, almost
suggesting that the ship stopped somewhere unrecorded in the log and traded some of its cargo
before returning to the City.
Most intriguing of all was reference to a "gold slab, strangely carven, taken by Captain Morag to
his home in exchange for less split on the haul, as it could nay be broken for to make equal
If I were a gambling man, I'd bet that this "gold slab" is one of the lost Compendiums of Abn Dzar.
The Keepers should pay handsomely to get their hands on one of those twisted volumes.
The Captain's home is a crumbling old house in the Canal District. It's a dark, rainy night, but
Basso's acquired a rowboat, so breaking in from the water should be easy enough. Then I'll just
have to find the Compendium and get out before this storm gets any worse.

Notes and Known Bugs

- This is my entry to the Thief: Deadly Shadows 20th Anniversary Contest.

- A few changes to base gameplay to be aware of:
- AI will notice you bumping into them.
- Equipping the blackjack makes you ever so slightly more visible.
- It's a stormy night. Thunder briefly reduces guards' ability to hear you, but watch out for
lightning which makes you much more visible.
- Just like in Thief: Deadly Shadows, you cannot swim and will drown in the canal if you
fall in. You can wade in shallow water however.
- The contents of chests can be inspected individually after the chest is opened.
- You will automatically note important information on the Notes page of your map.

v1.1 Changelist:

- Fixed a bug preventing the mission from being completed on Normal difficulty.
- Fixed a couple of items that highlighted but should not have been frobbable.
- Fixed a trigger issue that may have caused Basso to row through the house.
- Fixed Basso repeating lines.
- Fixed an issue where the fade in from black didn't work right on some machines.
- Updated NVScript version to latest.
- Adjusted rotations on a couple of doors that were causing clipping issues.

Play Information

File names : miss18.mis, seaside.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/No
New graphics : Yes (see resource list below)
New sounds : Yes (see resource list below)
Subtitles : Yes
New models : Yes (see resource list below)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : Not yet - please message me if you are interested in translating.
Briefing : No


Base : Scratch
Build Time : 3 months-ish


Many thanks to my beta testers for helping get this mission into the best possible shape:



HD family - from Enhancement pack by Nameless Voice
TDS family - converted from Thief Deadly Shadows textures
Texcom family - from
Davegh family - by David Guerra
EP2 family - from the Enhancement Pack by Nameless Voice
EPMech family - from the Enhancement Pack by Nameless Voice
Undule family - by Undule

Rainy windows - TDS texture with animated texture by Simon Chukov
Clouds - from
Water - from Enhancement pack by Nameless Voice
Fire bitmaps - Eshaktaar
Smoke bitmaps - Sliptip
Distant City art from T2Skies by jermi
Main menu art from Thief Deadly Shadows


Skeleton - LarryG
Guard models, servant - TDBonko
Guard/servant skins - Purgator
Noble - Purgator



Iron fences and spikes - Team Rose Cottage
Fireplace - R Soul
Rocks - Daraan, modified with TDS textures
Splash FX - Sliptip
Bathtub - Team Rose Cottage
Bookcases and book piles - Pinkdot
Tables - Pinkdot
Side Tables - Team Rose Cottage
Chairs & Sofa - Soul Tear & Elvis
Container - Team COSAS
Fireplace Wood - Team COSAS
Stag Trophy - Team Rose Cottage
Large table - Soul Tear and Christine
Trees - Daraan
Plants - Daraan
Fountain - Daraan
Chest - Soul Tear
Chest - R Soul
Rowboats - Daraan, Schwaa
Pedestal - Eshaktaar
Sideboard - Christine
Kitchen Clutter - Soul Tear
Potato Sack - Soul Tear
Pipes - Vigil
Scales - DarkShadow
Ripples - Vigil
Streetlamps - The Watcher
Rowboat - Greenhorn & Pinkdot
Paintings - models by me. Artwork from public domain, various.
Shoggoth image - Nottsuo (DeviantArt)
Yog-Sothoth image - Demodus (DeviantArt)
Cheap Boxes - R Soul
Oil Flask - Eshaktaar
Fireplace Tools - LarryG
Cabinet - Soul Tear
Firewood - Elvis
Herbs - Team COSAS
Clothes - Team COSAS
Hat Stand - Team Rose Cottage
Doilies - Team Rose Cottage
Couches - Christine
Beds - Christine
Desks - Christine
Inkwells - Larry G
Curtains - Team Rose Cottage
Screens - Team Rose Cottage
Turbine - R Soul
Bed - R Soul
Wardrobe - R Soul
Ship - Team Rose Cottage
Globe - Christine (map made by Random_Taffer from the Thief world map project - )
Banners & Shields - TDBonko
Money Box - Yandros
Victrola - Eshaktaar
Noblewomen statues by Purgator (skins modified by me using images from
Letter - Dale
Key - Dale
Coin pile - Targa
Corpse in bed - made by me, skin modified from Purgator skins
Knife - Targa
Bottles - Targa
Fire FX - Sliptip
Rope texture - Vigil
Bust - Eshaktaar
Sarcophagus - Eshaktaar
Various loot - Team COSAS
Cobwebs - Vigil
Altar wax texture from
Treasure book - JackInTheBox
Tricorn Hat by Greenhorn

Some objects from the Enhancement Pack by NamelessVoice

All other objects by me (mostly using Thief Deadly Shadows or textures)


Basso: Random_Taffer
Captain Morag: McTaffer

Thunder sounds - Gigagooga
Rain - Arctura (
Rain on Windows - InspectorJ (
Rain on Plants - Metzik (
Rain on Wood - cocaine (
Rain drops - macdaddyno1 (
Book sound - OozerName (
Waves - Chris_Dagorne and Ali_6868 (
Indoor Rain - TheBoatman (
Ambients from Thief Deadly Shadows (various edits by me)
Phonograph noises - ProductionNow (


Additional Thanks to:

- Skacky for organising the contest
- The authors of all custom scripts, particularly Telliamed, NamelessVoice and Firemage.
- Everyone on the TTLG Editor's Guild forum and the Dromed Discord channel, for helping me out over
the years.


• Uploaded 01.06.2024 • Size 202.29 Mb
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