FTM Life

Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (cardia1)
Contact Info : pedroq1983@gmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : 09-11-2017 created with NewDark 1.25, updated (03-08-2021)
Title : FTM Life v1.3
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
When the second mission begins make a save game and exit thief 2, otherwise when leaving the room
from the starting point you will likely suffer a crash, or have the video resolution changed, or
even having textures being corrupted, a very laggy game performance and the ambient music won't
play. Aright after exiting thief 2 open again game and load your save game, now you won't have any
problems running the game, it will run in acceptable conditions. If a crash occurs during the
loading screen for the second mission then i suggest you to download the separated missions
version, recommended for lower specs. Check for links in TTLG forums or contact me if you can find
a source to download the separated missions version.
Please disable the EP or NecroAge patch in order to avoid gameplay issues, having the wrong
textures or objects floating in air. In your Thief2 folder, find EP.crf and change its name to
anything else. Change it back to use it again. It might also be named EP2.crf if you've installed
from a more recent version.
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : FTM life v1.2
File Name : miss20/miss21
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Difficulty Level Info : Normal/Hard/Expert - the harder the difficulty level the more goals are
required to complete the missions.
Tips : Use lean forward to approach items that are hard to frob and look for
items behind furniture, not all objects look lile loot, but check them
closely as they are worth to steal. Read the readables closely to get
the clues.
Description : You are an FTM, a person who was born female but identifies as male, in
this position you find you need to struggle in a way to achieve your
goals: find the means to buy yourself testosterone, get your top surgery,
but to achieve that you'll find yourself not only forced to do it the
hard way by looting houses, but also by aiding people.
This Mission is dedicated to Downwinder
* Construction *
Base : Based on real life places (except the interiors that were my imagination,
inspired by portuguese style)
Build Time : 2 years and two months
Build info : Related with my own world
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supporded FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *
I want to thank Yandros, Sluggs, Sensut, Darthslair, Ricebug, Nameless_voice, Fidcal, R.Soul,
Nicked, Random_Taffer, Vigil, Shadowspawn, John9818a, Lady Rowena, Tdbonko, Troutpack, LarryG,
Nightshifter, Mortal Monkey, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx, Ottoj55, Bulgarian Taffer,
Telliamed, taffer9, Drk, Phantom, Eshaktaar, krenim, Clearing, Dark Arrow, Brother renault,
Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs, and the authors from the site Thief-circle.
These people know a lot about DromED, I hope someday to be as good as they are. Everyone who
wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the ones at
thief-the-circle.com, Komag the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the original Dromed
documents and thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated to me the right links for
tutorials and other important stuff, Timon for giving me tips and the people at the ttlg forums
that gave me a lot of help.
- Story revised and approved by Forest (A real life FTM). For those who may concearn, here's his
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkvpImuiSdP9cCOxqabiULQ
- Readables fixed to a correct grammar English by Old and Cunning two readables modified
by Sagittal
- Loot and quest items list created by Sagittal
- All sound files revised and edited by Mat99
- All musics by Ten and Tracer: music in first mission: "On your marks", "Cine fil"(edit by me)
and "Aurora Reflect", musics in second mission: "Jessica six", "This Is Mixed Medium",
"Sometimes tyne-trees", "Ven Mirror", "...and the sky says", and "1987A" (edit by me)
- Intro music "Cardia" by Scan X and edited by me
- Tile footsteps from Quake 3
- AI creatures voices: Hostile AI creatures voices by me, Main character (player) voices by my
sister Anita, maid woman and Mother's main character voice by My Mom Ana Quintela
- New AI skins and AI models by Purgator (Colin)
Sluggs, Ottoj55, darkShadow, Larry G, Nick Dablin (nicked), Nameless Voice, Yandros, raetsel,
tomrevill, martn00, Pinkdot, Elvis, R.Soul, Dale, Greenhorn, Master_edd, team t2x, firemage,
soul tear, Targa, Pinkdot, Ronalix, dez_z, BlackThief, Eshaktaar, Ar-Zimrathon, Randall Taylor,
Zontik, pdackel, Eshaktaar, Dhin, Asgaroth, G'len, shaik sha, marksist, Glenn Campbell, lily,
Dido Franza, Aaron Soriano, emil, kaio basso, Zappen, PlanIT 3D, Berken Eren Usar, darkmoo, ReaD,
Tyro Smith, Gunnar Correa, Luke Picciau, Dennis Haupt, Hitesh Sahu, Muhd Ariff, PlumCantaloupe,
dionne, FathanFadhlurrahman, Brandon Westlake, gloryfish, radioaktivemonkey, Gabriel Dias, furnny,
Johnstone Barrios, Bajtix, comphonia, rlggut, Renafox, Marcin Gomulak (MaKiPL), the watcher,
h0rrocks, Andrew Booth 3D, Pink-Droid, Chagas, Targa, vovaustimuk, suskunbilgetr, Marek Picheta,
XAF Productions, jesusblasco, lukasvop, Nobiax, W.Sitters, 7ASSAN, VirtualBG, PagDev, R.Robles,
luxox_18, Mike Rowley, geckosteeves, bilgehan, korkmaz, tnext54, Fabian van Dorst, hoschu,
arion3d, Tiziana aka TiZeta, daniel132, Francesco Coldesina, 3D Share, Omar Alama, enviromist,
Emmanuel PUYBARET, Enetheru, Jacob McKee-Wright, Reallusion, Steven B, FlukierJupiter, uncle808us,
sarmstrong8979, harold1995, cyba,tobiaszz, owestgate, aaron_nerlich, 3DHaupt, Biswajit,
Jetstorm_477, khanhnguyen1189, Conviley, Franz P?rez, Dexlabs, Innovations, Kenetics, tomaszura,
macropolo, xenosmashgames, lena_savenko, ap3design, James, codyseibert, kenprol, Jay-Artist,
Andrew Kator & Jennifer Legaz, Scopia Visual, saymon.finiks7, mauricesvay, Billy Jackman, griim,
philippe_olivier_lapalme, AZ, AndreaDev, klo works, camillevdb, Anton, sebdevyoutube, rommalart,
deizeshot, Minzkraut, renzcabiscuelas, Jann Kuusisaari, gerasimimumu, ZyaxitronED, NguoiDaiViet,
wolkoed, bmanjones, plasmaernst, ribeirorafael, tomaszcgb, adamcrockett, Jason Ohonowsky,
_nzrzb_, Eugene, aaguilera2022, Andy Carrington-Chappell, knickyknick, sookendestroy1, seadb94,
Mikolaj Szczerski, Rob Allen, black_stone, __ramen__, TraianDumbrava, tpoveda Scott Durkin,
Ieva (Me&My3D), OshjaVid, grimren13, 3D_Aurel, nofaced3d, Art by Kidd, Filcomet, donat somogyi,
Plutonium software, mano1creative, avikbellic911, troadey, alban, dark-minaz, Pedram Ashoori,
dazo, Yannick Weber, beyondmatter, captaindanette, carloakuma, yreme, Michael Makivic, rfsrio,
pedro09pm, lorenzosilvacosta, wings553, person-x, ArekFW, MrGraman, gromorg
- Shanty textures by Tim: http://www.tmp4f0778d5.daily-host.co.uk/tim/oldsite09/model-shanty.shtml
- Terrain textures by me, Akinuri, CG textures, sketchup textures and Textures Ninja.
- Grassland Skybox by Kothic
- Technical Dromed assistance: Technical: FrenchDecay, Gort, LarryG, Yandros, voodoo47, Necrobob,
R.Soul, john9818a, Judith, FireMage, Le MAlin 76, Unna Oertdottir, Brethren, Le MAlin 76,
Daraan, Soul Tear, Nemyax, gamophyte, ZylonBane, Zontik, Random_Taffer
- Help provided in other matters: bassoferrol, Phantom, Judith, Zappen, Unna Oertdottir, R.Soul,
Larry G, Yandros, GreenHorn, bassoferrol
Beta testers (alphabet order):
Gloria Creep
A special thanks to:
- Le Corbeau for Newdark 1.25
- Gort for making many objects for this mission.
- Purgator for making many new AI skins/models for this mission.
- Zontik for making a perfect exterior wall lamp for this mission.
- R.Soul for taching me how to convert objects to bin files with Blender.
- Yandros for his obj "Res_cube" that allowed me to shape it to so many objects.
- Christine Schneider as most of her objects were used in this mission.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You
may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if you
want, just let me know and let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (cardia1)
Contact Info : pedroq1983@gmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : 09-11-2017 created with NewDark 1.25, updated (03-08-2021)
Title : FTM Life v1.3
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
When the second mission begins make a save game and exit thief 2, otherwise when leaving the room
from the starting point you will likely suffer a crash, or have the video resolution changed, or
even having textures being corrupted, a very laggy game performance and the ambient music won't
play. Aright after exiting thief 2 open again game and load your save game, now you won't have any
problems running the game, it will run in acceptable conditions. If a crash occurs during the
loading screen for the second mission then i suggest you to download the separated missions
version, recommended for lower specs. Check for links in TTLG forums or contact me if you can find
a source to download the separated missions version.
Please disable the EP or NecroAge patch in order to avoid gameplay issues, having the wrong
textures or objects floating in air. In your Thief2 folder, find EP.crf and change its name to
anything else. Change it back to use it again. It might also be named EP2.crf if you've installed
from a more recent version.
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : FTM life v1.2
File Name : miss20/miss21
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Difficulty Level Info : Normal/Hard/Expert - the harder the difficulty level the more goals are
required to complete the missions.
Tips : Use lean forward to approach items that are hard to frob and look for
items behind furniture, not all objects look lile loot, but check them
closely as they are worth to steal. Read the readables closely to get
the clues.
Description : You are an FTM, a person who was born female but identifies as male, in
this position you find you need to struggle in a way to achieve your
goals: find the means to buy yourself testosterone, get your top surgery,
but to achieve that you'll find yourself not only forced to do it the
hard way by looting houses, but also by aiding people.
This Mission is dedicated to Downwinder
* Construction *
Base : Based on real life places (except the interiors that were my imagination,
inspired by portuguese style)
Build Time : 2 years and two months
Build info : Related with my own world
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supporded FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *
I want to thank Yandros, Sluggs, Sensut, Darthslair, Ricebug, Nameless_voice, Fidcal, R.Soul,
Nicked, Random_Taffer, Vigil, Shadowspawn, John9818a, Lady Rowena, Tdbonko, Troutpack, LarryG,
Nightshifter, Mortal Monkey, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx, Ottoj55, Bulgarian Taffer,
Telliamed, taffer9, Drk, Phantom, Eshaktaar, krenim, Clearing, Dark Arrow, Brother renault,
Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs, and the authors from the site Thief-circle.
These people know a lot about DromED, I hope someday to be as good as they are. Everyone who
wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the ones at
thief-the-circle.com, Komag the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the original Dromed
documents and thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated to me the right links for
tutorials and other important stuff, Timon for giving me tips and the people at the ttlg forums
that gave me a lot of help.
- Story revised and approved by Forest (A real life FTM). For those who may concearn, here's his
youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkvpImuiSdP9cCOxqabiULQ
- Readables fixed to a correct grammar English by Old and Cunning two readables modified
by Sagittal
- Loot and quest items list created by Sagittal
- All sound files revised and edited by Mat99
- All musics by Ten and Tracer: music in first mission: "On your marks", "Cine fil"(edit by me)
and "Aurora Reflect", musics in second mission: "Jessica six", "This Is Mixed Medium",
"Sometimes tyne-trees", "Ven Mirror", "...and the sky says", and "1987A" (edit by me)
- Intro music "Cardia" by Scan X and edited by me
- Tile footsteps from Quake 3
- AI creatures voices: Hostile AI creatures voices by me, Main character (player) voices by my
sister Anita, maid woman and Mother's main character voice by My Mom Ana Quintela
- New AI skins and AI models by Purgator (Colin)
Sluggs, Ottoj55, darkShadow, Larry G, Nick Dablin (nicked), Nameless Voice, Yandros, raetsel,
tomrevill, martn00, Pinkdot, Elvis, R.Soul, Dale, Greenhorn, Master_edd, team t2x, firemage,
soul tear, Targa, Pinkdot, Ronalix, dez_z, BlackThief, Eshaktaar, Ar-Zimrathon, Randall Taylor,
Zontik, pdackel, Eshaktaar, Dhin, Asgaroth, G'len, shaik sha, marksist, Glenn Campbell, lily,
Dido Franza, Aaron Soriano, emil, kaio basso, Zappen, PlanIT 3D, Berken Eren Usar, darkmoo, ReaD,
Tyro Smith, Gunnar Correa, Luke Picciau, Dennis Haupt, Hitesh Sahu, Muhd Ariff, PlumCantaloupe,
dionne, FathanFadhlurrahman, Brandon Westlake, gloryfish, radioaktivemonkey, Gabriel Dias, furnny,
Johnstone Barrios, Bajtix, comphonia, rlggut, Renafox, Marcin Gomulak (MaKiPL), the watcher,
h0rrocks, Andrew Booth 3D, Pink-Droid, Chagas, Targa, vovaustimuk, suskunbilgetr, Marek Picheta,
XAF Productions, jesusblasco, lukasvop, Nobiax, W.Sitters, 7ASSAN, VirtualBG, PagDev, R.Robles,
luxox_18, Mike Rowley, geckosteeves, bilgehan, korkmaz, tnext54, Fabian van Dorst, hoschu,
arion3d, Tiziana aka TiZeta, daniel132, Francesco Coldesina, 3D Share, Omar Alama, enviromist,
Emmanuel PUYBARET, Enetheru, Jacob McKee-Wright, Reallusion, Steven B, FlukierJupiter, uncle808us,
sarmstrong8979, harold1995, cyba,tobiaszz, owestgate, aaron_nerlich, 3DHaupt, Biswajit,
Jetstorm_477, khanhnguyen1189, Conviley, Franz P?rez, Dexlabs, Innovations, Kenetics, tomaszura,
macropolo, xenosmashgames, lena_savenko, ap3design, James, codyseibert, kenprol, Jay-Artist,
Andrew Kator & Jennifer Legaz, Scopia Visual, saymon.finiks7, mauricesvay, Billy Jackman, griim,
philippe_olivier_lapalme, AZ, AndreaDev, klo works, camillevdb, Anton, sebdevyoutube, rommalart,
deizeshot, Minzkraut, renzcabiscuelas, Jann Kuusisaari, gerasimimumu, ZyaxitronED, NguoiDaiViet,
wolkoed, bmanjones, plasmaernst, ribeirorafael, tomaszcgb, adamcrockett, Jason Ohonowsky,
_nzrzb_, Eugene, aaguilera2022, Andy Carrington-Chappell, knickyknick, sookendestroy1, seadb94,
Mikolaj Szczerski, Rob Allen, black_stone, __ramen__, TraianDumbrava, tpoveda Scott Durkin,
Ieva (Me&My3D), OshjaVid, grimren13, 3D_Aurel, nofaced3d, Art by Kidd, Filcomet, donat somogyi,
Plutonium software, mano1creative, avikbellic911, troadey, alban, dark-minaz, Pedram Ashoori,
dazo, Yannick Weber, beyondmatter, captaindanette, carloakuma, yreme, Michael Makivic, rfsrio,
pedro09pm, lorenzosilvacosta, wings553, person-x, ArekFW, MrGraman, gromorg
- Shanty textures by Tim: http://www.tmp4f0778d5.daily-host.co.uk/tim/oldsite09/model-shanty.shtml
- Terrain textures by me, Akinuri, CG textures, sketchup textures and Textures Ninja.
- Grassland Skybox by Kothic
- Technical Dromed assistance: Technical: FrenchDecay, Gort, LarryG, Yandros, voodoo47, Necrobob,
R.Soul, john9818a, Judith, FireMage, Le MAlin 76, Unna Oertdottir, Brethren, Le MAlin 76,
Daraan, Soul Tear, Nemyax, gamophyte, ZylonBane, Zontik, Random_Taffer
- Help provided in other matters: bassoferrol, Phantom, Judith, Zappen, Unna Oertdottir, R.Soul,
Larry G, Yandros, GreenHorn, bassoferrol
Beta testers (alphabet order):
Gloria Creep
A special thanks to:
- Le Corbeau for Newdark 1.25
- Gort for making many objects for this mission.
- Purgator for making many new AI skins/models for this mission.
- Zontik for making a perfect exterior wall lamp for this mission.
- R.Soul for taching me how to convert objects to bin files with Blender.
- Yandros for his obj "Res_cube" that allowed me to shape it to so many objects.
- Christine Schneider as most of her objects were used in this mission.
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You
may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if you
want, just let me know and let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
• Uploaded 02.08.2021
• Size 387.24 Mb