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Into the Dark Forest

Into the Dark Forest - New Dark Revision
Author: Master of Dromed

Credits: A Great Thankyou to all of my great beta and alpha testers: my brothers Tumpi
and Paul, Ballzy, Klara, Matt6661

Beta Testers: Tumpi, Paul, Ballzy, Klara, Matt6661
Contact info: florin651@yahoo.com
Version: 1.0
Date of release: September, 2021



This is the continuation of the story in my first mission A Tough Night. The action takes
place in a mountain/forest/caves environment outside the City Walls. Just read Garrett's
Journal in your inventory at start. It contains all the story lines and all you need to
know in order to play this mission.



"Another day, another well paid job. Raputo's interrogation didn't reveal as much as we
expected and we are running out of time. He said there is a secret correspondence going
on between Archemage Archeus, the leader of The Hand Brotherhood and the leadership of
Blackbrook but it's kept in a hiding place located deep in the woods. Mr. Whitsimmon says
we must recover this correspondence to figure out what they are planning. He must warn
the baron in time.
That area of the forest, between the mountains, is called the Dark Forest due to the coal
rich environment and the lack of light from the sun. The wild is infested with burricks,
pagans and all sorts of Trickster's forces and the hammerite presence there couldn't keep
them at bay. The route is tricky, first I have to pass the dangerous coal mines near
Shalebridge old road, then I have to make my way through a hammerite village near the mines.
Next i have to pass through the forests near Shamrock Village, an old village who was
protected by the hammerites, now overrun with Trickster's minions. Keeper Andrus, an old
friend of mine, asked me a small favor: I have to recover an old skull who is rumored to
belong to interpreter Tokra, an ancient keeper. The skull was lost in the deep forest by
a keeper expedition who was ambushed and routed by the Trickster's minions in the vicinity
of Shamrock village. Since it's on my way I don't mind helping them in this matter. Who knows
when I will need their help in the future? Then, I have to infiltrate in a system of caves,
some of them inundated. In the caves I can find safety and supplies in a keeper outpost.
Once I reached the mages hiding place I have to figure out on my own where they keep the


* Play Information *

Game: Thief: The Metal Age (New Dark version 1.27 or newer)
Mission Title: Into the Dark Forest
File names: miss20.mis, forest.gam
Difficulty Settings: yes
Equipment store: yes
Map / automap: map
New graphics: no
New sounds: no
New monsters: yes
EAX support: no
Multi language support: no

Briefing : no briefing video

Playing Styles: Normal, Hard, Expert

* Construction *

Base: Inspired from Cragscleft Prison, Maw of Chaos, Down in the BOnehoard,
Precious Cargo, The Haunted Cathedral, The Lost City, Caverns
Build Time: 1 year for the remastered NewDark version, 7 months first version

Normal Thief 2 difficulty setting.


Known Bugs:

Has a few minor bugs, but they are hardly noticeable during gameplay. Some fps drops
mines and other few places are annoying on older computers.

* Copyright *

This level is ? 2021 by Master of Dromed.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as the archive and this file are kept intact.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos


Special Thanks: Paul, Tumpi, Ballzy, Klara, Matt6661

- Master of Dromed -

• Uploaded 08.09.2021
• Size 93.56 Mb
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