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Les Paolis

Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (Cardia)
Contact Info : Horizontes_profundos@hotmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : 28-06-2019 created with NewDark 1.25 / 1.26 / 1.27
Title : Les Paolis
Version : 1.4 (15.05.2021)

!!! Warning !!!

likely suffer a crash, and a wooden texture will be missing, this texture plays an
important role in the mission in order to reach an area via a rope arrow textures can
also being corrupted, and also a very laggy game performance. Right after exiting thief 2
to desktop open again game and load your save game, now you won't have any problems
running the game, it will run in acceptable conditions.

Please disable the EP or NecroAge patch in order to avoid gameplay issues, having the
wrong textures or objects floating in air. In your Thief2 folder, find EP.crf and change
its name to anything else. Change it back to use it again. It might also be named EP2.crf
if you've installed from a more recent version.

!!! Known Issues !!!

Sound propagation is not always correct in certain areas (especially in the first mission)

This is a campaign where exploring is the main part of the missions. Please choose the
difficulty level wisely so that you don't have any problems during the game. You need to
find: 62% of loot on Normal, 76% on Hard and 88% on Expert. If 62% of loot may be too
much for You, skip this campaign until You'll teach yourself to be more observant and
vigilant. If You want to rush the missions and run fast to the end - forget about that
campaign forever.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Les Paolis v1.4
File Name : miss20/miss21
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : Yes
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal/Hard/Expert - the harder the difficulty level the more
goals are required to complete the missions.

Tips : Use lean forward to approach items that are hard to frob and
look for items behind furniture, not all objects look lile loot,
but check them closely as they are worth to steal.
Read the readables closely to get clues.

Description : You are hired by a clan chef to solve some delicate matters that
can only be handled by your Thief skills. This time you have a
mission in France, a territory not yet conquered by the English
people, during a war campaign where England tries to conquer all
regions from France to make them part of the new England.

This Mission is dedicated to Lord Soth.
* Construction *

Base : My imagination (inspired by the French, Italian and Belgian
architecture, and also deep house music). Storyline inspired by
the TV s?rie "Mafiosa".
Build Time : 1 year and 2 months (+2 months of betatesting)
Build info : Related with my own world
* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place it in your missions folder.
Recomended: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.

* Special Thanks To *

- Le Corbeau for Newdark 1.26;
- Purgator for creating 3 new AI models for this mission;
- John9818a for creating a alms box object for this mission;
- R.Soul for teaching me how to convert objects to bin files with Blender;
- Yandros for his obj "Res_cube" that allowed me to shape it to so many objects;
- Mat99 for fixing several things in the mission;
- Christine Schneider as most of objects used in this mission are from her.

- Help provided by:
Unna Oertdottir, Yandros, Skacky, DrK, DarkMax, nicked, FireMage, john9818a, Gamophyte,
ZylonBane, Zappenduster, PinkDot

- Helpful information by:
SneakyGuy101, Yandros, Judith, gigagooga, Marzec, Psych0sis, Cheela, Galaer

- French artwork correction by:
Athalle and Stefan Key

- French translation by:
Stefan Key (avaliable only on a different mission version)

- German translation by:
Zappenduster (avaliable only on a different mission version)

- Readables, plaques, dialogues and Garrett Comments fixed, modified and edited
to a correct grammar English by groveller-in-thief - Urgrue.

- A few things fixed by:
Ramone, Mat99 and Aemanyl

- Four new diary entries added by Mat99: In the mission 1: Problem regarding drunk
guards making a fuss (+consequences to the player), the Girl's diary (+consequences
to the player). In the mission 2: Bishop relations (friendship) to Lady Leyla (the
main plot between them + resulting from this two additional objectives has been
canceled due the engine limit has been reached), Cathedral's technical manager
notes (consequences to the player canceled due the engine limit has been reached).

- Briefing & credits videos by:

* Voice actors:

Me : Garrett
Shadow Creepr : Sandra Paoli
Azaran : R?mi Andr?ani (man in the cells)
Antimatter_16 : Sandra's cousin (Men in the tavern by the hammerite cathedral)
Ramone : Hyppolite (ex-servant of Lord Cocco)
Elentari : Evelyne (Sandra's female servant)
Uncanodego : Ahmed (Sanda's male servant)

Several voice sounds fixed and edited by Mat99
* Alpha testers (in alphabetical order):


* Beta testers (in alphabetical order):

Gloria Creep


- Burrick artwork by the-Fishman and edited by me.

- Champagne Gout de Diamants textures by Mat99

- AI skin textures and models by:
Purgator, t2x, Team cosas, Ottoj55, Ymochel, Targa, Greenhorn, TDBonko & Nicked

- Skybox: NASA photos of milky way and set as a skybox by Poodmund

- Objects created for Dromed:
Christine Schneider, Zapendust, Sluggs, Daraan, Eshaktaar, Yandros, Jason Otto, Purgator,
DC Project, Nick Dablin (nicked), Targa, Gamophyte, Rsoul, Dale, The watcher, Von Eins,
Stringgod, Zontik, Hammerite Imperium, Elvis Team Rose Cottage, DarkShadow, Nielsen74,
Soul Tear, Paweuek, Lord Alan, pdackel, Cosas, Sensut, TDBonko, Firemage, John Denison,
Schwaa, Hrothgar, PinkDot, Team Calendra, Greenhorn, Vigil, Nameless Voice, Syi,
Totality, Blackthief, Hrothgar Ar-Zimrathon, Gamophyte, Ewald, system Schock 2, Flecha
das Sombras, vladmiroquai, Firemage, The Watcher, Chris Page Shadowspawn, Dark Arrow,
Sterlino, T2X

- Object from outside authors:
Alun Bestor, Elvis siixarn, sam_ogon, allinonemovie, Pedram Ashoori, yd, azzajess,
Pixel, yd RubaQewar, Roombaroom, ElvinT, klo works, faniskayios, mherdman, Readcode,
drake10k, guigui789, DafVader, Demeter Dzadik, jerryfisher, focus3d, AkSdev, coldlykoss,
Asia Matusik, Fred Beckhusen, TheRookie, filipeb2011, signSTUDIOS, Alex Filip Dikart,
3dtvd, Christian Rankers/Costa92, Daniyal Malik, kusha4jesus, www.archibase.net, Galorch,
Blender3D, JustNK, Lo?c surajvishwakarma, Tiia Tuulia, ZareShadows, g3ordie, LC Dzigns,
nationalmuseum_sweden, mansta9, FlukierJupiter, Volodey Slappiebob, Jetstorm_477,
Kseniia, Tomations, overburn401, Gerasimimumu, OSHBEGOSH, Alex Filip, dp3dstudio,
suskunbilgetr, yreme, Kidd, vUv, dexsoft, Light_Green, JmPrsh153, marti3D, dyran, xzay,
4DArtisan, Elena_Shvets, holsoft, philiptheaker seenoise, marcus.skov.bank, yughues,
wolfgar74, arkmoo, chanmagomed, zhixson, 2DHD, filipeb2011, jensliamdevries, Aaden Juli?n
van Beek, SXuno, Josu? Borghi, Mo?kan, allenbranch, YurkP, Tes_, jesusblasco, ValSam,
3DMaesen, printable_models, scoog, Vakha Brandon Westlake, CrazyMoralFreak, garretttru,
kaio basso, RUDIGRAPHICS, teeart, Purba, studio lab, Austro, Ed C, NiceModels, berkgedik,
haditj66 Unknown000.DLL, CommonSpence, watercat, mariodimi, bryanthealy, nobicasa, Baha
Sukkar, Anthony Yanez, nbarrell Medievalworlds, Arcnok, RealBeam, jpwood78, Konvert,
khalidsrri, r.hessens, JuanG3D, painedadj91, Flytet, Wing13, wobba89 codeinfernogames,
lucaslm, Dendrobyte, SplashKid, Owlish Media, itlaborykt, enviromist, theernestobecerra,
gaz.d undead, taffed, adamcrockett, CtrlArt MDL, printable_models, gromorg, rogerdv,
Typhen, ptrusted, dexsoft, rogerdv tuturu, lantra, Sam Constance, masonryviz, cgbunny,
Paul Subert. Inject4, GroundZer0, Blender3D, Mikhail Kadilnikov, Austro, Timzero4,
Tunca.Erkal, kalyon6, bybenjo,Selecur, dexsoft, Gord Goodwin, SebastianSosnowski,
vivikeram, Elisey, 3dhdscan McBuff, misterdevious, Marc Mons, Danimal, kazim saatci,
Noshadowking, Ron Kapaun, Vinny Passmore, yethiel, cgruslan, nickolasnm, DarvinAbraham,
3DMish, Owlish Media, ale.proglio, ferofluid, Marcelo Rivera, CliaLpz, Medievalworlds,
cemkalyoncu, Horniman Museum, Probius, Djalma, Henry VIII, Nosferatu32, sharonsroshan,
rv125, plasmaernst, Ole Gunnar Isager, haridon, Denis Loginovskiy, toAflame, berkgedik,
RUDIGRAPHICS, Vyacheslav_SD, Marco Antonio Meireles Carvalho

- Music by:
Intro music "Cardia" by Scan X and edited by me

- Music samples:
Ivogima - 'Counter' ; Bioground - 'Affinity' and 'soulful people' ;Scan X - 'Chaos';
Bent - 'as you fall' (Guy J remix) Vainqueur - 'Elevation 2' (Original); Helly
Larson - 'dawning' and 'Come with me' ; The Timewriter - 'hope and despair'; The Mulder -
'I take you out of space 2007 ; Holden & Thompson - 'nothing' (93 returning mix) ;
Echomen - 'Cure' Terry Lee Brown Junior - 'Cosmic rise' and 'lost and found' (Steve Bug
found it mix) ; Nikola Gala - 'Let it go' ; Dub Taylor - 'Circular' Sven V?th - 'Face it'
and 'Augenblick' (Sensorama railway mix) ; Fluxion - 'Autonomous' , 'Prospect 2' and
'Bipolar Defect' Quantec - 'Comatose' ; Terra a Terra - 'Gallandum'; Marie Laforet -
'viens, Viens, viens' ; TDM team

- Textures:

- Very few texture from:
Severance Blade, Wolfenstein return to the castle, Thief 3, TDM team, Undying clive Bark,
Daikatana, Heretic 2, Max Payne 1, Penumbra, Quake 1, 2 and 3, Tomb Raider fan community.

- several object textures fixed by Mat99

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level in any map pack without my
permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want, just let me know. and let
the others know who made the original mission.

This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass
Studios or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 14.05.2021
• Size 476.36 Mb
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