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Time For Culture :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Time For Culture

Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (Cardia)
Contact Info : Pedroq19832gmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : 17-12-2007 and updated to NewDark 1.27
Title : Time For Culture v1.5 (12-10-2019)
* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Time For Culture v1.5
File Name : Miss 20
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : No
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
Difficulty Level Info : Loot and other goals change.
Tips : There's a walkthrough included in the mission's ZIP file.
Description : Garret has a new mission, this time he has a damsel in distress calling
for his aid, Miss Broken Arts is receiving letters threating her job at
the museum, as history investigator she has invested a lot in the museum
by restoring broken artifacts, and her last contribution was to built
earwax sculptures, she suspects that her ex-boyfriend one of the museum
employees is the author of the letters, also she has been warned in the
letters that her earwax sculptures will suffer a sabotage, they will get
life with trapped souls from other worlds, plus the museum's director
will have his house full with ghosts spectrums, this is a great threat
to Miss B. A. reputation and career, this night you're bound to find out
and confirm who is the author of all the mess caused in the museum,
you'll be there in order to save Miss B. A. from troubles also you'll
take the chance to help yourself by filling your pockets.

This Mission is dedicated to Broken Arts
* Construction *

Base : My restless mind
Build Time : 3 months and something
Build info : Related with Bauhaus and ?lvaro Siza Vieira's architecture
* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supported FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *

Above all I wanna thank Yandros, Sluggs and Sensut at ttlg forums who have been helping me in
everything. Thanks for your support, You've been my great supporters and also great friends.
I also want to thank Nameless Voice for his big help in this mission by teaching me how to convert
textures into T2 textures.

Also: Ricebug, Fidcal, R.Soul, Nicked, Random_Taffer, Vigil, Shadowspawn, John9818a, Lady Rowena,
Tdbonko, Troutpack, Nightshifter, Mortal Monkey, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx, Ottoj55,
Bulgarian Taffer, Telliamed, taffer9, Drk, Phantom, Eshaktaar, krenim, Asgaroth, Clearing, Dark
Arrow, Brother Renault, snowcap 21, Canetoad, ffox, Mikekelly, Briaeros, Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs,
and the authors from the site Thief-circle.

These people know a lot about DromED. I hope someday to be so good as they are. Everyone who
wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the ones at:
thief-thecircle.com, Komag - the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the original DromED
documents. Thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated me the right links for tutorials and
other important stuff, the people at the ttlg forums that gave me a lot of help.

* Beta testers *

Gloria Creep
Broken Arts
Undead Gamer

* Copyright Information / Credits *

- Readables fixed by Fortuni
- Mission fixed by Sensut (2007)
- Walkthrough by Ricebug
- Help provided by Enybola

- Music "Defected" composed and written by Scan X (beware the way you interpret the title of this
music don't want to have people destroying their life because of me); music "Zoomlens" composed
and written by Christopher Todd, "Lily" by Moby, "Spheric Residuals" by Milieu, ambient sound by
Front Assembly. Music in main menu - "Cardia" by Scan X, short sample by me.

- Textures from Quake 3 turned into T2 textures by Sensut, Sluggs and Yandros, New textures by me
which I converted into T2 textures (there are many new textures that I converted and didn't used
in this mission and you can find them in the folder "fam"), other textures by Sensut and Christine

- Objects: New paintings by me, Sensut, Christine Schneider and Lady Rowena, other objects by
Sensut, Christine Schneider, Sluggs and Troutpack and a beautifull Ark which was made by
Nielsen74 and Eshaktaar for Nightshifter's mission the "Librarian", Ar-Zimrathon, Jay-Artist,
joseguilherme, Yandros, Elvis, T2x

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You
may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if
you want, just let me know. and let the others know who made the original mission.

This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

• Uploaded 11.10.2019
• Size 51.76 Mb
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