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The Turning of the Leaves

The Turning of the Leaves
A Thief 2 Fan Mission

Title : The Turning of the Leaves
Filename : miss17.mis, 1mill.gam
Author : Nick Dablin (nicked)
Game : Thief 2
Contact info : nickdablin@gmail.com
Date of release : 01/01/2021
Version : 1.3


Being an independent thief in this city has always had its associated risks, but I've always
managed to stay one step ahead of my rivals. That is, until I went to visit my fence after robbing
Lord Torridge of his valuable gold chalice. The look on his face should have told me something was
wrong, but before I could react, three heavies unfolded from the shadows and jumped me.

When I came to, cold rain was spattering my face. Tied up and thrown onto a handcart, I was being
taken outside the city, into the woods. I could hear two of the thugs chatting away. One of them
was worried that their third companion would get all the glory for running the chalice back to
their boss, but the other reassured him that bringing "the famous Garrett" in alive would be worth
even more.

While they talked, I pretended to be unconscious, and managed to loosen the bonds around my wrists
and ankles. The rain grew heavier; the canopy overhead grew thicker. We were deep in the woods when
the thugs said they were almost back to their hideout. It was now or never. Throwing off the ropes,
I leapt off the cart and darted into the trees. I could hear my captors shouting in futile rage
behind me, but I managed to get away. Now I'm unarmed and alone in hostile territory, but I still
have my wits about me.

Whoever did this is about to learn a valuable lesson - crossing Garrett is a bad idea...

Story /Geschichte

Als unabhängiger Dieb setzt man sich in dieser Stadt stets einem Risiko aus, doch bisher war ich
meinen Gegnern immer einen Schritt voraus. Bisher, bis ich meinen Hehler aufsuchte, um ihm den bei
Graf Torridge geklauten Goldkelch zu übergeben. Seine Mine hätte mich eigentlich aufmerksam machen
müssen, doch ehe ich mich versah, sprangen drei Kerle aus dem Schatten und hielten mich fest.

Als ich zu mir kam, spürte ich kalten Regen im Gesicht. Auf einem Karren festgebunden brachte man
mich aus der Stadt hinaus in den Wald. Ich hörte zwei der Halsabschneider plaudern. Einer fürchtete,
der dritte würde nun für das Überbringen des Kelchs alle Lorbeeren ernten, aber der andere beruhigte
ihn, indem er meinte, die Auslieferung des "berühmten Garrett" sei um so wertvoller.

Ich stellte mich bewußtlos, während sie sprachen, löste aber die Schnüre um Knöchel und Handgelenke.
Der Regen verstärkte sich, und als wir tief im Wald waren, erwähnten die Kerle, daß das Versteck
bald erreicht wäre. Nun ging es um alles oder nichts, ich nahm die Fesseln ab, sprang vom Karren
und rannte in den Wald. Ich hörte noch die wütenden Schreie meiner Verfolger, konnte jedoch
entkommen. Da stand ich nun, alleine und unbewaffnet auf feindlichem Grund, aber dennoch voller

Wer immer dies tat, dem wird eine Lektion erteilt: Es ist keine gute Idee, Garrett in die Suppe
spucken zu wollen...

Story /Histoire

Être voleur indépendant dans cette cité a toujours été risqué, mais j’ai toujours réussi à garder
l'avantage sur mes rivaux. Jusqu’à ce que je rende visite à mon receleur après avoir soulagé Lord
Torridge de son précieux calice d'or. J'aurai dû lire sur son visage que quelque chose allait mal,
mais avant même de pouvoir réagir, trois brutes ont surgi de l’ombre en me sautant dessus.

Quand je me suis réveillé, une pluie froide coulait sur mon visage. Attaché et jeté dans une
charette, j’étais emmené hors de la ville, dans les bois. Je pouvais entendre deux voyous bavarder.
L’un d’eux était inquiet que leur troisième compagnon obtiendrait toute la gloire pour ramener le
calice à leur patron, mais l’autre l’a rassuré que ramener "le célèbre Garrett" vivant vaudrait
bien plus encore.

Pendant qu’ils parlaient, j’ai fait semblant d’être inconscient, et j’ai réussi à desserrer les
liens autour de mes poignets et de mes chevilles. La pluie s’est alourdie; le plafond de la canopée
s’est épaissi. Nous étions profondément dans les bois lorsque les voyous ont dit qu’ils étaient
presque de retour à leur cachette. C’était maintenant ou jamais. Jetant les cordes, J’ai sauté
de la charette et j’ai foncé dans les arbres. Je pouvais entendre mes ravisseurs crier dans une
rage futile, mais j’ai réussi à m’échapper. Je suis maintenant désarmé et seul en territoire
hostile, mais j'ai encore toute ma tête.

Celui qui a fait ça est sur le point d’apprendre une précieuse leçon : croiser Garrett est une
mauvaise idée...

Story /Historia

En esta ciudad ser un ladrón independiente siempre ha tenido sus riesgos, pero me he mantenido un
paso por delante de mis rivales. O eso creía, hasta que visité a mi perista después de robar el
valioso caliz de oro de Lord Torridge. Su expresión debería haberme indicado que algo iba
mal, pero antes de que pudiera reaccionar tres matones salieron de las sombras y se abalanzaron
sobre mi.

Cuando desperté, la fría lluvia me salpicaba la cara. Atado y tirado en un carro, me estaban
llevando a los bosques en las afueras de la ciudad. Podía oir a dos de los matones hablar. Uno
estaba preocupado de que su tercer compañero se llevaría toda la gloria por entregar el cáliz a su
jefe, pero el otro le aseguró que traer vivo al "famoso Garrett" valdría incluso más.

Fingí estar inconsciente mientras hablaban y conseguí aflojar los nudos en mis muñecas y tobillos.
La lluvia se volvió más intensa; el toldo que me cubría más pesado. Nos encontrábamos en las
profundidades del bosque cuando los matones dijeron que ya casi habíamos llegado a su escondite.
Era ahora o nunca. Deshaciendome de mis ataduras, salté del carro y me lancé hacia los árboles.
Podía oir a mis captores gritar detrás de mí, pero conseguí escapar. Ahora estoy solo y desarmado
en territorio hostil, pero sigo teniendo mi ingenio.

Quien quiera que haya hecho esto está a punto de aprender una valiosa lección - Enfrentarse a
Garrett es una mala idea...

Story / ???????????

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??? ?? ??? ?? ??????, ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? - ?????????? ?????? ???????? - ?????? ????...

Notes and Known Bugs

Version 1.3:
- More work to try and fix the conversation actor that occasionally breaks the lockpick objective.

Version 1.2:

- A handful of fixes in German and Russian text.
- Changed flowers so that they can only be dropped, not thrown, which was destroying multiple
copies of them.
- Made a conversation actor NeverEfficient, which has hopefully fixed a problem some people were
seeing with the lockpicks becoming unfrobbable.

Version 1.1:

- Included scripts in the zip file - Rookie Error!

Version 1.0:

- This is my entry for the One Million Units FM Contest (Oct 1st - Dec 31st 2020). As part of the
contest rules, the whole mission fits within a 1 million unit cuboid. For some reason, I decided
that a sprawling outdoor level was the best way to challenge myself with that restriction...
- Installs and runs through FMSel and AngelLoader. Other loaders have not been tested and are used
at your own risk. Do not use Darkloader, it is outdated and unsupported.
- Requires New Dark version 1.27 or higher.
- This mission has subtitles for conversations and Garrett comments. To turn them on, add:
"enable_subtitles" to your user.cfg. See New Dark documentation for full details on subtitle
- New mantle should be turned ON. It should be set by fm.cfg but if you get stuck somewhere, it's
worth checking this setting in your cam_ext.cfg.
- Due to the high number of transparent textures, there are some places where these will conflict
with each other and look a bit weird.
- Sometimes the AIs can get stuck here and there.
- Occasionally the rain audio can drop out temporarily.
- If such things bother you, this mission contains a single instance of (bad, pixellated) nudity.

Play Information

Game : Thief 2
File names : miss17.mis, 1mill.gam
Difficulty Settings : Normal/Hard/Expert
Equipment store : No
Map/Automap : Yes/Yes
New graphics : Yes (see resource list below)
New sounds : Yes (see resource list below)
Subtitles : Yes for Garrett & conversations
New models : Yes (see resource list below)
EAX Support : Yes
Multi language support : EN/DE/FR/ES/RU
Briefing : No


Base : Scratch
Build Time : Approx 3 months.


Many thanks to my beta testers for helping get this mission into the best possible shape:


Thanks to Zappenduster for providing the German translation, Apiai for the French translation,
Dardo for the Spanish translation, and Soldi/MoroseTroll for the Russian translation.


Additional Thanks to:

- McTaffer and MattDistraction for the excellent Thief voices.
- Brethren, for organising the One Million Units contest.
- The authors of all custom scripts, particularly Telliamed and NamelessVoice.
- Everyone on the TTLG Editor's Guild forum, and more recently, the Dromed Discord channel, for
helping me out over the years.



Texture families:
nature - Some made by me, some by Random Taffer, from textures.com, texturemax.com, mb3d.com,
hut - Made by me from textures.com. Window by R Soul. Couple of textures by Vigil.
ruins - Made by me from textures.com, some from Dave Guerra (davegh.com)
hideout - textures from Chalice of Souls by Feuillade Industries (FireMage, skacky & Squadafroin)
orig - replacement stock textures.
concastle - some Thief 1 textures
WaterHW - Eshaktaar
SkyHW - made by me, textures.com & public domain images

Custom book art - me, made from textures.com images


Some items from the Enhancement Pack put together by Nameless Voice.
A lot of textures have been modified by myself.

Trees & bushes - Daraan
Old Door - Team COSAS
Water, Fire, Smoke FX - Sliptip
Tree branches/roots - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Small Door - LarryG
Ladders - Team COSAS
Lantern - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Lamp - Schwaa
Doors - Team T2X
Bones - LarryG
Tombstones - Team Rose Cottage
Frying Pan weapon - Eshaktaar
Fireplace grate - R Soul
Chairs - Christine
Tables - Christine
Herbs - Team COSAS
New banners - OttoJ55
Cabinet - Daraan
Bookshelf - Eshaktaar
Gate - Yandros
Wraith - Eshaktaar
Victrola - Eshaktaar
Table - OttoJ55
AI Skins - Purgator, modified by me
Twisted Torch - OttoJ55
Bolt Cutters - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Bed - Christine & Soul Tear
Armoire - Soul Tear
Crates - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Portcullis - Team COSAS
Barrel - Elvis
Wine Bottles - LarryG
Trophy - Team Rose Cottage
Lantern - Schwaa
Candle - R Soul
Chests - Vigil
Blood - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Gore - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Altar - Eshaktaar
Statue - Ar-Zimrathon
Pedestal - Eshaktaar
Portcullis - Ottoj55
Coins - Team T2X
Rack - Soul Tear
Brazier - Eshaktaar
Gems - Eshaktaar
Lectern - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Pew - Team Rose Cottage
Hammer - Dale
Candles - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Bedroll - Soul Tear
Chair - Soul Tear
Bucket + Mop - LarryG
Bottles of stuff - Soul Tear
Cultists - model by Pinkdot, textures by Purgator modified by me
Fishing Net - Greenhorn
Clothes Piles - made by the author
Shoe - made by the author
Keys - Daraan
Mirror - Team Rose Cottage
Cushions - Christine
Lion Statue - Hammerite Imperium Team
Shields - Daraan
Carpets - Team COSAS
Bunk Bed - Soul Tear
Stool - Soul Tear
Ornate Box - R Soul
Wooden Box - R Soul
Knitting - Christine
Brush - Soul Tear
Mirror - Soul Tear
Slippers - Team Rose Cottage
Hat - Team Rose Cottage
Ladles - Nielson74
Hourglass - Eshaktaar
Table - Pinkdot
Scales - DarkShadow
Wooden Scoop - Nielson74
Pot and pot rack - Team Rose Cottage
Toilet roll - Greenhorn
Bed - Christine
Side Table - Team Rose Cottage
Lamp - Team COSAS
Desk - Christine
Wardrobe - Christine
Bed - Soul Tear
Reskinnable Cube - Yandros
Vine Textures - Random Taffer
Painting - Christine
Carpenter's Table - Soul Tear
Lab Equipment - Soul Tear
Tool Shelves - Ottoj55
Spanner - Sluggs & TDBonko
Saw - LarryG
Machine - R Soul
Chalice - Larry G
Ming Vase - Soul Tear
Paintings - Team T2X
Painting - Team Rose Cottage
Fish - Schwaa
Quiver - Digital Nightfall
Book - Pinkdot
Letter - Dale
Maps - Greenhorn
Shackle - made by the author (from stock textures)
Folded corner Poster - made by the author (public domain + a cushion texture of Christine's)
Trophy - TDBonko & Soul Tear
Trophies - Elvis
Footlocker - Daraan
Mirror - LarryG
Firewood - Dale
Small Paintings - Christine
Toolbox - Sluggs
Bag - Team COSAS
Grandfather Clock - Team Rose Cottage
Barred Doors - Team COSAS
Werewolf - TDBonko
Bookcase - made by the author (textures from textures.com)
Flowers - Team Rose Cottage
Plant Pot - made by the author
Tree stump table - Dale
Altar - Sterlino
Masks - TDBonko
Table - Blackthief
Cthulhu Statue - Soul Tear from model by Samize
Hammer Statue - Elvis
Pedestal - Eshaktaar
Dummy - TDBonko
Zombie Body Parts - Team T2X
Spell Stand - Team COSAS
Stump - Soul Tear
Flowers - made by the author
Mushrooms - Team COSAS
Empty Bottle - Vigil
Fireplace bits - made by the author
Flint & Steel - made by the author
Owl Statue - made by the author
Peacock Feathers - Team Rose Cottage
Fern pot - Team Rose Cottage
Necklace Stand - Nielsen74


Rain, drips etc. - freesound users: Tim Kahn, Acclivity, 883-45, digifishmusic, CBeeching,
soundscalpel, daveincamas, Zoom H4
Frogs - freesound user Mobower2
Candle sound - R Soul
Custom blackjack sounds - edited from base game and Thief Gold sounds
Screams & cries - freesound users: FreqMan, thanvannispen, TheSubber13
Custom ghost vocals - made by me
Additional custom vocals - from Sensut's Dracula campaign
Some sounds - from Thief Gold
Thief1 Vocals - McTaffer
Thief2 Vocals - MattDistraction

• Uploaded 25.04.2021
• Size 174.52 Mb
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