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Umbelina :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal (cardia1)
Contact Info : Pedroq1983@gmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : 17-06-2016 created NewDark 1.24, updated with NewDark 1.27
Title : Umbelina v1.6 (05-08-2019)
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No


Please disable the EP or NecroAge patch in order to avoid gameplay issues, having the wrong
textures or objects floating in air. In your Thief2 folder, find EP.crf and change its name to
anything else. Change it back to use it again. It might also be named EP2.crf if you've installed
from a more recent version.

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Umbelina v1.6
File Name : miss20/miss21
Difficulty Settings : yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New objects : Yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes (Russian, scroll down)
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : Normal/Hard/Expert - the harder the difficulty level the more goals are
required to complete the missions.

Tips : use lean forward to aproach items that are hard to frob and look for
items behind furniture. Read the readables closely to get clues.
The mission's *.zip file contains spoilers.

Description : Umbelina moves on with her life after getting divorced from her
ex-husband. Unfortunately he doesn't accept the separation well and makes
her life hell. Also, being aware that Umbelina is dating a man called
Pedro makes him more angry and vengeful. You are Pedro, and you will be
helping your girlfriend, Umbelina, to overcome the problems caused by her
ex-husband Agostinho.

This Mission is dedicated to Gort
* Construction *

Base : based in real houses , the mission zip file includes some photos of the
real houses
Build Time : 4 months
Build info : Related with my own world
* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supporded FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *

I want to thank:
Yandros, Sluggs, Sensut, Darthslair, Ricebug, Nameless_voice, Fidcal, R.Soul, Nicked, Shadowspawn,
Random_Taffer, Vigil, John9818a, Lady Rowena, Tdbonko, Troutpack, Nightshifter, LarryG, Mortal
Monkey, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx, Ottoj55, Bulgarian Taffer, Telliamed, taffer9, Drk,
Phantom, Eshaktaar, krenim, Clearing, Dark Arrow, Brother renault, Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs, and the
authors from the site Thief-circle.

These people know a lot about dromed, I hope someday to be as good as they are. Everyone who
wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the ones at:
thief-thecircle.com, Komag the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the original Dromed
documents and thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated to me the right links for tutorials
and other important stuff, Timon for giving me tips and the people at the ttlg forums that gave
me a lot of help.

- All musics by Ten and Tracer: "Spin Me Good Morning" from the Album "Companion",
"No magic Martin", "Deep Sky Objects" and "Next sun" from the album "An Hour Brighter",
"Wentzl Ruml" and "Dodecahedron Leads The Way" from the Album "You'll Be A Hero Soon, Speaker"
also "No magic Martin (even i know that)" from the compilation "Telecine Bus / Redix Reports"

- New AI skins (umbelina face) by Purgator (Colin)

- Objects: Ottoj 55, darkShadow, Larry G, Nick Dablin (nicked), Nameless Voice, Yandros, Gort,
R.Soul, cosas, Ar-Zimrathon, Greenhorn, schwaa, Pinkdot, Christine Schneider, Targa, Von Eins,
Zontik, Daraan, team t2X, Master Edd, Saturnine.

- A special thanks to Gort for the new object model created for this mission: Bid?

- Technical Dromed assistance: Technical: Daraan, Gigagooga, Unna Oertdottir, R.Soul, Yandros.
Beta testers (Alphabet order)

-Gloria Creep
- Readables fixed to a correct grammar English by Fortuni
- Objectives fixed to a correct English Grammar by Fortuni
- Russian Translation by Soldi

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission
if you want, just let me know. and let the others know who made the original mission.

This level was not made and is not supported by the late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

????? : ????? ???????? ?? ?????????? (cardia1)
??? ????????? : Horizontes_profundos@hotmail.com
??? ????????? : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
???? ?????? : 31-05-2016, ??????? ?? NewDark 1.24, ??????????? ?? NewDark 1.27
???????? : ???????? v1.6 (05-08-2019)
??????? : ???
???????? : ???


??????????, ????????? ????? EP ??? NecroAge ??? ????????????? ????. ? ????? Thief2 ??????? ????
EP.crf ? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????.

* ??????? ?????????? *

???? : Thief 2 TMA
???????? ?????? : ????????
??? ????? : miss20/miss21
?????? ????????? : ??
?????????? : ???
????? : ???
????????? : ???
????? ??????? : ??
????? ??????? : ??
????? ????? : ??
???????? ????????? : ???
????????? EAX : ???
??????? : ???
????? : ?/?
?????? : ?/?

?????? ????????? : ??????/??????/??????? - ??? ??????? ???????, ??? ?????? ??????????

????????? : ??????????? ?????? ??????, ????? ??????? ? ????? ?????? ???????? ??
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????, ????????, ??? ???????? ??????????? ? ????????? ?? ????? ?????, ???
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?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ????????, ????????? ? ?????? ?????

??? ?????? ????????? ?????
* ??????????? *

?????? : ???????? ?? ???????? ?????
????? ?????????? : 3 ??????
???????? ????? : ??????? ? ???? ??????????? ?????
* ??????????? ?????????? *

??? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ? DarkLoader. ?????? ???????? ?? ? ????? ? ?????? ????????.

• Uploaded 04.08.2019
• Size 160.47 Mb
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