Pereira's Mansion

Author : Pedro Quintela (Cardia)
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : August 20, 2006 and updated with newdark 1.27 (03-11-2019)
Title : Pereira's Mansion v1.5
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Pereira's Mansion v1.5
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes, english and German (by Zappen, scroll down)
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base : n/a
Build Time : Two weeks
Build info : This mission is based on a real mansion
* Description *
This is my first real mission based on a real mansion, but the catacombs were my own invention.
I hope you'll enjoy the mission but if you need any help or want to make a comment, please contact
me and let me know what you think. I need to know what's right and what's wrong with it so I can
progress in future missions. Take care.
I'll wait and see whether I make another mission or not because working with DromED is so dull
and frustrating. :-(
This mission is dedicated to RavenHook
* Story *
Garrett found a hidden book at the Keepers' compound and in the book, he read that important
Saints were buried with their battle Horns. It seems that the horns gave strength and special
powers to the ones who possessed them. So, Garrett decided to search for one of the Horns and
thought to look for it in Pereira's Mansion as it had the least protection and because of its
location, even though he knew it would still be tricky to grab the Horn of Saint Miguel.
1. Find all the gear you need at Pereira's Mansion as you will need it in the catacombs.
2. Stay close to the shadows, stealth, etc.
3. There's a walkthrough inside the mission's ZIP file
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supported FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *
Thanks Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the
ones at ttlg forums, and the ones that gave solutions for this mission problems: Darthslair,
Yandros, Haplo, Slyfoxx, Rsoul, LarryG, Catman, Nameless Voice, Intruder, ffox, R.Soul, Tomi
Anti_Matter16 and others in case I have forgotten someone.
- Readables fixed to a correct English by Nickie
- Readables translate to German by Zappen
- Walkthrough by Ricebug
* Betatesters *
Gloria Creep
* Copyright Information *
- Music composed and written by Eric Brosius
- Music inside the Mansion - "Karha" by Vlasdislav Delay
- Music inside the Catacombs - "Regret" by Ovum
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You
may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if
you want, just let me know. And let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Pereiras Anwesen
Autor : Pedro Quintela (Cardia)
Kontakt :
Erschienen : Mai 2013 (NewDark-Version)
Dies ist meine erste Anwesen-Mission, sie beruht bis auf die Katakomben auf einem echten Bauwerk.
Garrett fand ein verstecktes Buch im Versteck der H?ter, darin las er etwas ?ber heilige
Gegenst?nde und ein Horn in einer Katakombe, es scheint letzteres verleiht dem Besitzer St?rke
und Kraft. Garrett m?chte es haben und 'beehrt' zun?chst Pereiras Anwesen mit seinem Besuch, da
dort Saint Miguels Horn liegen soll und weil es recht nah liegt. Doch er ahnt auch, da? es
schwierig sein wird...
* Spiel-Information *
Spiel : Thief II - Das Metallzeitalter
Titel : Pereira's Anwesen v1.5
Daeien : miss20.mis
Schwierigkeitsgrade : Normal, Hart, Experte
Briefing : Nein
Ausr?stungsladen : Nein
Karten : Nein
Auto Map : Nein
Neue Grafiken : Nein
Neue Sounds : Ja
Mehrsprachig : EN, DE, IT
Bauzeit : 2 Wochen
* Dank an *
alle, die hilfreiche Tutorien verfa?t haben! Besonders die bei, Komag der
beste Tutorial-Verfasser und die der originalen Dromed-Beschreibungen. Ach an Andr?s Martano und
Renzo die mir n?tzliche Verweise gaben, Timon der mir Tips gab und die Leute bei
Gloria Creeps
* Urheberrechtliche Anmerkungen *
Diese FM wurde von Cardia erstellt, ihre kostenlose und unver?nderte Weitergabe ist gestattet,
sofern sie nicht ver?ndert wird. Sie wurde weder durch Looking Glass Studios oder Eidos
Interactive erstellt noch wird sie von dort unterst?tzt.
Author : Pedro Quintela (Cardia)
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Date of Release : August 20, 2006 and updated with newdark 1.27 (03-11-2019)
Title : Pereira's Mansion v1.5
* Playing Information *
Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Pereira's Mansion v1.5
File Name : miss20.mis
Difficulty Settings : Yes
Equipment Store : No
Map : No
Auto Map : No
New Graphics : No
New Sounds : Yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes, english and German (by Zappen, scroll down)
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : No
Length : n/a
Size : n/a
Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No
Difficulty Level Info : Normal, Hard, Expert
* Construction *
Base : n/a
Build Time : Two weeks
Build info : This mission is based on a real mansion
* Description *
This is my first real mission based on a real mansion, but the catacombs were my own invention.
I hope you'll enjoy the mission but if you need any help or want to make a comment, please contact
me and let me know what you think. I need to know what's right and what's wrong with it so I can
progress in future missions. Take care.
I'll wait and see whether I make another mission or not because working with DromED is so dull
and frustrating. :-(
This mission is dedicated to RavenHook
* Story *
Garrett found a hidden book at the Keepers' compound and in the book, he read that important
Saints were buried with their battle Horns. It seems that the horns gave strength and special
powers to the ones who possessed them. So, Garrett decided to search for one of the Horns and
thought to look for it in Pereira's Mansion as it had the least protection and because of its
location, even though he knew it would still be tricky to grab the Horn of Saint Miguel.
1. Find all the gear you need at Pereira's Mansion as you will need it in the catacombs.
2. Stay close to the shadows, stealth, etc.
3. There's a walkthrough inside the mission's ZIP file
* Loading Information *
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the *.ZIP file in your missions folder.
However I highly recommended modern and supported FM loaders as: AngelLoader or NewDarkLoader.
* Thanks To *
Thanks Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote the
ones at ttlg forums, and the ones that gave solutions for this mission problems: Darthslair,
Yandros, Haplo, Slyfoxx, Rsoul, LarryG, Catman, Nameless Voice, Intruder, ffox, R.Soul, Tomi
Anti_Matter16 and others in case I have forgotten someone.
- Readables fixed to a correct English by Nickie
- Readables translate to German by Zappen
- Walkthrough by Ricebug
* Betatesters *
Gloria Creep
* Copyright Information *
- Music composed and written by Eric Brosius
- Music inside the Mansion - "Karha" by Vlasdislav Delay
- Music inside the Catacombs - "Regret" by Ovum
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You
may not include this level in any map pack without my permission. You CAN edit this mission if
you want, just let me know. And let the others know who made the original mission.
This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos
Pereiras Anwesen
Autor : Pedro Quintela (Cardia)
Kontakt :
Erschienen : Mai 2013 (NewDark-Version)
Dies ist meine erste Anwesen-Mission, sie beruht bis auf die Katakomben auf einem echten Bauwerk.
Garrett fand ein verstecktes Buch im Versteck der H?ter, darin las er etwas ?ber heilige
Gegenst?nde und ein Horn in einer Katakombe, es scheint letzteres verleiht dem Besitzer St?rke
und Kraft. Garrett m?chte es haben und 'beehrt' zun?chst Pereiras Anwesen mit seinem Besuch, da
dort Saint Miguels Horn liegen soll und weil es recht nah liegt. Doch er ahnt auch, da? es
schwierig sein wird...
* Spiel-Information *
Spiel : Thief II - Das Metallzeitalter
Titel : Pereira's Anwesen v1.5
Daeien : miss20.mis
Schwierigkeitsgrade : Normal, Hart, Experte
Briefing : Nein
Ausr?stungsladen : Nein
Karten : Nein
Auto Map : Nein
Neue Grafiken : Nein
Neue Sounds : Ja
Mehrsprachig : EN, DE, IT
Bauzeit : 2 Wochen
* Dank an *
alle, die hilfreiche Tutorien verfa?t haben! Besonders die bei, Komag der
beste Tutorial-Verfasser und die der originalen Dromed-Beschreibungen. Ach an Andr?s Martano und
Renzo die mir n?tzliche Verweise gaben, Timon der mir Tips gab und die Leute bei
Gloria Creeps
* Urheberrechtliche Anmerkungen *
Diese FM wurde von Cardia erstellt, ihre kostenlose und unver?nderte Weitergabe ist gestattet,
sofern sie nicht ver?ndert wird. Sie wurde weder durch Looking Glass Studios oder Eidos
Interactive erstellt noch wird sie von dort unterst?tzt.
• Uploaded 03.11.2019
• Size 21.71 Mb