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Melancholy in Porto :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Melancholy in Porto

Author : Pedro Quintela from Portugal(cardia)
Contact Info : Pedroq1983@gmail.com
Homepage : http://pedroq83.blogspot.pt
Date of Release : October 12,2014 updated to New dark 1.27 (20-09-2019)

Title : Melancholy in Porto V1.5
This mission is dedicated to Clearing

Description :

Briefing(s) : No
Cutscene : No

* Playing Information *

Game : Thief 2 TMA
Mission Title : Melancholy in Porto
File Name : Miss 20/ Miss21
Difficulty Settings : yes
Equipment Store : no
Map : No
Auto Map : No
new objects : yes
New Graphics : Yes
New Sounds : yes
Multi-Language Support : Yes, French Translation by Apiai (French Scroll down)
EAX Support : No
Briefing(s) : no
Length : n/a
Size : n/a

Difficulty Level Info : the loot amount change between the difficult levels.

Description- .Pedro is hired by his friend Telmo and other cientists to perform a few simple tasks in the centre of Porto,
however from there he will have to go next to Matosinhos an outsirkt of Porto,
there he must find out at the electrical nuclear Central what caused an explosion in the main reactor, causing thus floods in the City of Porto.
* Construction *

Base : My imagination and also inspired in the typical Porto architecture
( bulidings wich are of a cold, grey, monocromatic and draw stetic)
Build Time : lost my count
Build info : Related with relaxing, melancholy and somehow sad atmospheres


* Loading Information *

This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place in your missions folder.


* Thanks To *

I wanna thanks above all Yandros and Sluggs and Sensut at ttlg forums who have been helping me in everything,
Thanks for your support, You?ve have been my great supporters and also great friends
i want to thank also Nameless Voice for his big help in this mission by teaching me how to convert textures into t2 textures
also Sensut , Ricebug, Nameless_voice, Fidcal, R soul, Nicked, Random_Taffer, Vigil, Shadowspawn,
John9818a,Lady Rowena, Tdbonko, Troutpack, Nightshifter,
Mortal Monkey, Imortal Thief, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx,
Ottoj55, Bulgarian Taffer, Telliamed, taffer9, Drk, Phantom,Eshaktaar,krenim,Asgaroth, Clearing,Dark Arrow,Brother renault,snowcap 21,
Canetoad, ffox, Mikekelly, Briaeros h,Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs, and the authors from the site Thief-circle.
these people know a lot about dromed, i hope someday to be so good as they are.
Everyone who wrote the great tutorials I learned from! Especially the guys who wrote
the ones at thief-thecircle.com, Komag the best tutorial writer, and the writers of the
original Dromed documents.and thanks to Andr?s Martano and Renzo who indicated me the
right links for tutorials and other important stuff, the people at the ttlg forums that gave me a lot of help.

*Beta testers(alphabethic order):

-Gloria Creep


* Copyright Information *

Readables fixed by Tannar

Main menu imaged edited by Yandros

Ai skin textures by Purgator and T2X

Musics by Chachi Jones : "Brown", "A beautiful place out there in the country" et "Sunshine recorder" de Boards of Canada on the first mission ;
"Not this nothing", "DownGirl" and"Morainaki" also by Chachi Jones in the second mission.

Mumusic in main menu - "Cardia" by Scan X, short sample edited by me.

Textures By Berney boy and kingpin converted to thief 2 textures by me, except a one texture "locker door" by Independet Thief

Objects bu dromed authors: Photos taken by me, except the wheat fields photos, other objects by Independent Thief, Lady Rowena, Christine Schneider, Drk, Eshaktaar,
Targa, Ar-Zimrathon, Sluggs, zontik, SS2, Larry G, Von eins, Greenhorn, pdackel, TDBonko, Zappen, Rsoul, John Denison, Elvis, Nielsen74, Vigil, Darkshadow, Nick Dablin,
T2X, schwaa, Sensut, Dale, Daraan, Zappenduster, Gort, Hrothgar, Sterlino, DC project and Team Hammerite Imperium.

Objects from outside authors: Renafox, Scott Hsu-storaker, Algirdas Lalys, hoschu,
Jetstorm_477, Dennis Haupt, Francesco Coldesina, Daniyal Malik Aegin,sookendestroy1,
3DHaupt, studio lab, sotocodes, Jake_26_26,3D Share, khanhnguyen1189, joseguilherme, marvelmaster,
Pink-Droid, OSHBEGOSH, Matys, , geckosteeves, khanhnguyen1189,
r.hessens, 3DHaupt, mkaan, Prographer,FlukierJupiter, Arthur, Th?o Richard, sharonsroshan,
SplashKid, Alessandro de Buck, polfe3, andree, VanZhen, Camille Vandenbussche, Henry VIII,
Jhimwell Vizconde, , Filcomet, kathiastaff, Ieva, enviromist, haditj66
Asia Matusik, vUv, kaio basso, Victor.Hernandez, Christian Rankers/Costa92, Chagas, Yannick Weber,
Alexandr Zhilkin, DeMoon, Jacob McKee-Wright, revellii, khalidsrri, __Ramen__,
Alex Filip, 3DReady, zhixson, HASSAN, _nzrzb_ ,vUv, Kuro, , Totality,klo works, xzay, macropolo, Irgi-ki97,
Achronic, everydesign, TheDrone, graft, PagDev, KevinDuffy, milagro, dragosburian, Elvis , Unknown000.DLL, CianGameDev
vad3d, PashkaMDS, theflyingtim, teqqen, RanPro, Dmytro Rohovyi, Kenetics, 3dwstudio, dannyxyz22

Photo : Wheat fields by Claudio.Ar

Readables fixed to a correct English by Tannar

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package
is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my
permission. You CAN edit this mission if you want, just let me know. and let the others know
who made the original mission.

This level was not made and is not supported by the Late Looking Glass Studios or Eidos

Auteur : Pedro Quintela du Portugal(cardia1)
Contact Info : Horizontes_profundos@hotmail.com
Page Web : pas encore
Date de sortie : 12 Octobre 2014 Mise ? jour New dark 1.26

Titre : M?lancolie ? Porto V1.4
Cette mission est d?dicac? ? Clearing

Description :

Vid?o d'introduction : Non
Cin?matique : Non

* Information sur le Jeu *

Jeu : Thief 2: L'?ge de m?tal
Titre de la mission : M?lancolie ? Porto
Nom du fichier : Miss 20 / Miss21
Choix difficult? : Oui
Achat ?quipement : Non
Carte : Non
Auto Carte : Non
Nouveaux objets : Oui
Nouveaux graphismes : Oui
Nouveaux sons : Oui
Multi-Langue Support : Non
Support de l'EAX : Non
Vid?o d'introduction : Non
Longueur : n/a
Taille : n/a

Niveaux de difficult? : le butin varie selon les niveaux de difficult?.

Description : Pedro est engag? par le Gardien Telmo et d'autres Gardiens pour ex?cuter quelques t?ches simples dans le centre de Porto. Il devra cependant se rendre ? c?t? de Matosinhos dans la banlieue de Porto, et d?couvrir pourquoi le r?acteur principal de la Centrale Nucl?aire a explos?, provoquant l'inondation de la ville de Porto.
* Construction *

Base : Mon imagination et l'inspiration de l'architecture typique de Porto
(b?timents froids, gris, monochromatiques et statiques)
Temps de cr?ation : perdu mon d?compte
Information : atmosph?re relaxante, m?lancolique et parfois triste

* Installation *

Fonctionne avec FMSel ou Darkloader. Placer le fichier zip dans le r?pertoire habituel contenant vos Fan Missions.


* Remerciements *

Je voudrais surtout remercier Yandros et Sluggs et Sensut du forum ttlg qui m'ont aid? pour tout, merci de votre soutien, vous avez ?t? mes grands supporters et ?galement de grands amis.
Je veux ?galement remercier Nameless Voice pour son aide, m'apprenant comment convertir des textures pour T2.
Ainsi que Sensut , Ricebug, Nameless_voice, Fidcal, R soul, Nicked, Random_Taffer, Vigil, Shadowspawn, John9818a,Lady Rowena, Tdbonko, Troutpack, Nightshifter, Mortal Monkey, Imortal Thief, Ghost in the shell, Schwaa2, Slyfoxx, Ottoj55, Bulgarian Taffer, Telliamed, taffer9, Drk, Phantom, Eshaktaar, krenim, Asgaroth, Clearing,Dark Arrow,Brother renault,snowcap 21, Canetoad, ffox, Mikekelly, Briaeros h, Lady Jo, Jason Tibbs, et les Auteurs du site Thief-circle.
Ces personnes connaissent beaucoup dromed, j'esp?re ?tre un jour aussi tout bon qu'eux.
Tous ceux qui ont ?crit des didactiels avec lesquels j'ai beaucoup appris ! Particuli?rement les types qui ont ?crit ceux de thief-thecircle.com, Komag le meilleur auteur de didactiels, et les auteurs des documents originaux de Dromed.
Remerciements ? Andr?s Martano et Renzo qui m'ont indiqu? les bons liens pour les didactiels et autres choses importantes, les personnes du forum de ttlg qui m'ont beaucoup aider.

*Beta testeurs (ordre alphab?thique) :

-Gloria Creep


* Droits d'auteur *

Textes corrig?s par Tannar

Image du menu principal ?dit?e par Yandros

Musiques de Chachi Jones : "Brown" , "A beautiful place out there in the country" et "Sunshine recorder" de Boards of Canada sur la premi?re mission d ;
"Not this nothing", "DownGirl" and"Morainaki" de Cahchi jones aussi dans deuxi?me mission.
"Aurora Reflect" sur la premi?re mission de Ten et Tracer de l'Album "An hour Brighter"

Textures de Berney boy et kingpin convertis pour thief 2 par moi, except? une texture "locker door" d'Independent Thief

Objets : Photos prises par moi, except? les photos de champs de bl?, autres objets Independent Thief, Lady Rowena, Christine Schneider, Drk, Eshaktaar,
Targa, Ar-Zimrathon, Sluggs, zontik, SS2, Larry G, Von eins, Greenhorn, pdackel, TDBonko, Zappen, Rsoul, John Denison, Elvis, Nielsen74, Vigil, Darkshadow, Nick Dablin,
T2X, schwaa, Sensut, Dale, Daraan, Zappenduster, Gort, Hrothgar, Sterlino, DC project and Team Hammerite Imperium.

objets venant des auteurs dehors TTLG communaut?: Renafox, Scott Hsu-storaker, Algirdas Lalys, hoschu,
Jetstorm_477, Dennis Haupt, Francesco Coldesina, Daniyal Malik Aegin,sookendestroy1,
3DHaupt, studio lab, sotocodes, Jake_26_26,3D Share, khanhnguyen1189, joseguilherme, marvelmaster,
Pink-Droid, OSHBEGOSH, Matys, , geckosteeves, khanhnguyen1189,
r.hessens, 3DHaupt, mkaan, Prographer,FlukierJupiter, Arthur, Th?o Richard, sharonsroshan,
SplashKid, Alessandro de Buck, polfe3, andree, VanZhen, Camille Vandenbussche, Henry VIII,
Jhimwell Vizconde, , Filcomet, kathiastaff, Ieva, enviromist, haditj66
Asia Matusik, vUv, kaio basso, Victor.Hernandez, Christian Rankers/Costa92, Chagas, Yannick Weber,
Alexandr Zhilkin, DeMoon, Jacob McKee-Wright, revellii, khalidsrri, __Ramen__,
Alex Filip, 3DReady, zhixson, HASSAN, _nzrzb_ ,vUv, Kuro, , Totality,klo works, xzay, macropolo, Irgi-ki97,
Achronic, everydesign, TheDrone, graft, PagDev, KevinDuffy, milagro, dragosburian, Elvis , Unknown000.DLL, CianGameDev
vad3d, PashkaMDS, theflyingtim, teqqen, RanPro, Dmytro Rohovyi, Kenetics, 3dwstudio, dannyxyz22

Textes corrig?s dans un anglais correct par Tannar

La distribution de ce niveau est permis tant qu'elle reste gratuite et que le fichier zipp? reste intact.
Vous ne pouvez pas inclure ce niveau ? un pack de mission ou ? une campagne. Vous POUVEZ ?diter cette mission si vous le d?sirez, faites-le-moi simplement savoir. Et merci de citer qui a fait la mission originale.

Ce niveau n'a pas ?t? fait et n'est pas pris en charge par Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm ou Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 19.09.2019
• Size 162.11 Mb
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