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Cabal part 1: Furious Flames :: Downloads :: Thievery Customs Center


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Cabal part 1: Furious Flames

Furious Flames
Part 1 of THE CABAL campaign

Author : Tiens (Tatiana Baletskaya)
Contact Info : tiens1978@rambler.ru
Version : 1.54
Date of Release : 1.53: October 05, 2010
1.54: October 10, 2010



"It is not titles that honour men, but men that honour titles. But what is left to honour in the City's inbred nobility? The truth is they fear their own slave soul, and shroud it in a royal cloak." - writings attributed to the Overwarden.

The Unwritten Times. The City grew restless, fearful, suspicious. Balance was lost. A power vacuum created. And nature abhors a vacuum. Without the Keepers' guiding hand the City was lost in the grasp of thugs and tyrants. And that unlikely alines of low villainy and high corruption - the Cabal...

Thus, the Flesheaters are glad to present you the Thief Deadly Shadows Mini-Campaign named "The Cabal". This mission is the first part of the campaign. Welcome!


* Play Information *

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : THE CABAL Furious Flames
Mission File Name(s) : Cabal_FuriousFlames_v1-54.zip
Difficulty Settings : YES
Difficulty Level Info : "Cutthroat" (Easy), "Stooge" (Normal), "Shot Caller" (Hard), "Thief in Law" (Expert)
Equipment Store : YES
Map : YES
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : YES
New Sounds : YES
New Objects : YES
Multi language support : English, Russian, German, Italian
Readme Language : English, Russian, German, Italian


* Construction *

Base : original TDS map "Garrett's place", original TDS map "South Quarter", original TDS map "Stonemarket Plaza"

Build Time : 3 years and 5 months

Changes in version 1.54:
- Added German and Italian translations of objectives.
- Fixed the misprint in one of my testers' nick-name (HellFier).



- The weakest machine this mission was tested on is a PC with minimal configuration for TDS. In other words, you can play this mission even if you have to run TDS at the lowest settings only.

- It's better to play this mission with desktop resolution 800x600 or higher. Otherwise, the text in pop-up windows may be partially hidden.

- What tricks you can expect from this mission:
1) There are both obligatory and optional quests in this mission. Most part of quests are available for all difficulty levels, but several optional quests are available for Hard and Expert difficulty levels only. Optional quests can give the player weapons, loot, extra opportunities or alternative plot as a reward.
2) There are also tons of secrets, hidden territories and "Easter Eggs". Secrets with loot and weapons or secret doors can be hidden from the player in many ways, including objects that can be removed "by hand", opened with a switch or destroyed with Garrett's dagger.

- There are 4 new types of arrows (Darkness Arrow, Vodka Arrow, Freezing Arrow, Explosive Arrow) and Garrett's pocket light that are made specially for this mission.

- Garrett has new abilities for TDS in this mission:
1) knocking out sitting NPC with blackjack;
2) combining Vodka Arrows and the blackjack for stunning NPCs when they are not on high alert;
3) stealing weapons from NPCs;
4) receiving tasks for a quest from particular NPCs marked with an arrow;
5) putting out electric lights with Darkness Arrow and flame lights with Freezing Arrow;
6) putting out lamps which highlight by. hand;
7) climbing flags as a ladder.

- Note that there are no highlighted objects in this mission that are not used: if an object highlights, it means that the player may need it sooner or later or at least is able to do something with it. If you click on a highlighted object (a door, for example) and nothing happens, it means that you should use some thing from your inventory (a key, for example) on this object to activate it.

- The enemy class "Robot" created for this mission was inspired by. the combat bots from Thief Metal Age. Maybe, in the future, I'll think about making the same system of damage for it as the bots in T2. But, for now, my purpose is to break all old associations and get rid of all these it-is-not-like-in-T2 stupid grumbles. That's why I replaced most of the original arrow types with new ones. So, you will never find any water or fire arrows here, nor will you destroy a robot by pounding on it with a blackjack.

- Robots are not "living enemies". So you can destroy them even on Hard and Expert difficulty levels.

- The enemy class "Mechanists" created for this mission were inspired by. the mechanists from Thief Metal Age.

- The mission is divided in 6 parts (loading zones). I had my reasons for doing so, and I'm not going to change it. If you don't like it, it's your own problem. Just don't bother me with your complaining.



- There is no French language because Russian is included instead.

- The introductory video named EF_Titles.bik which the game shows before loading the main menu is always played without any subtitles. I have no idea what should be done here to get rid of this bug. So, I simply included the subtitles for the introductory video into the "Description" text of this readme to make this video more understandable.

- Garrett has no reflection in TDS, that's why all "mirrors", created by me, bring up the proper association only if the player is in the first person camera's position. No idea what I can do here.

- Sitting links don't work properly for me in this mission. That's why I had to replace all the sitting links with the imitation of "sitting" action. This trick gave me some new opportunities and an exotic bug. If an NPC is interrupted by. something while this NPC is returning to its place after the fight is over (for example, NPC saw an opened door or player stole NPC's weapon), NPC sometimes forgets to return to its place, stops and begins to imitate "sitting" where ever the NPC is. If you bother an NPC "sitting in the air" once again and wait till it calms down, the NPC will go back to its chair.

- The mission crashed while loading at some machines, because GarrettLoader didn't patch the file "user.ini" for no reason. If it happened to you, replace your file "user.ini" (in the game's main folder) with the one from the "Fan Mission Extras" folder.

- About the quests "Cooking a healing drink" and "Property Deeds": if you find quest items before you find the quest-giving NPCs, you will not have a chance to hear the story of these quests. However, this doesn't influence the fulfilment of the objectives.

- Some testers reported that the game may crash without any reason during fights between the player and several NPCs in South Quarter or Lower Private Docks. So save, save, save.




1) Textures and Normal Maps from "Collective Thief: DS Texture Pack" made by. John P., downloaded from http://www.john-p.com/ :
Textures and Normal Maps Copyright (c) 2006 and onward John P.
Original textures Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Ion Storm, L.P.; Eidos Inc.

2) Textures and Normal Maps made by. Str8g8:

a) Textures and Normal Maps from "STRAITGAIT'S THIEF 3 EDITOR RESOURCE PACK" downloaded from http://www.str8g8.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ :
These textures are made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 29 May 2006 for his own TDS fan-mission "The Bridge".

b) Textures and Normal Maps for "TDS Robot Character" made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 2006-2010 specially for this mission.
"TDS Robot Character" created for this mission was inspired by. the combat bots from Thief Metal Age.

c) Textures and Normal Maps made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 2006-2010, downloaded from :

3) Textures and Normal Maps made by. Judith (Dr Judym, dr_judym@tlen.pl, http://www.flickr.com/photos/28256250@N04/, http://t3edleveldesign.wordpress.com/) (c) 2006-2010, made specially for this mission or downloaded from :

4) Textures and Normal Maps made by. Renzatic (http://www.ttlg.com/forums/) (c) 2007-2009, downloaded from :

5) Textures and Normal Maps made by. STiFU (Stefan Eickelberg, http://www.ttlg.com/forums/) (c) 2007-2009, downloaded from :

6) Textures made by. BrendaEM (http://www.ttlg.com/forums/) (c) 2007-2009, downloaded from http://www.brendamake.com/game/bemthiefytexturepack2.zip :

BEM Series Textures and Normal Maps Made By. Brenda Make:

Some textures blended with Textures/Photographs found at:

Some Inspiration From:

Normamap Advice from John P. :

7) Textures from BioShock FREE RESURSES:

In-game texture from BioShock is taken from the official BioShock site "The Cult of Rapture" (http://www.2kgames.com/cultofrapture/home.php) from the free download pack named "BioShock Fankit".

(c) 2002-2009. Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Developed by 2K Boston. 2K Australia and 2K Marin. Bioshock, 2K Games, 2K Boston, 2K Australia, 2K Marin, the 2K Games logo, the 2K Boston logo, the 2K Australia logo, the 2K Marin logo, and the Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

8) Textures and Normal Maps Made By. Tiens (Tatyana Baletskaya, tiens1978@rambler.ru), Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Tiens :

"Pseudo-Historical Portraits" were blended with photos of Andrey Reutov, Lynx (Irina Chetvertneva), Tiens (Tatyana Baletskaya), made by. Tiens (c) 2006-2010 and Photographs of "Self-Portrait at 28" by. Albrecht Durer, "Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman" by. Albrecht Durer, "Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII" by. Hans Holbein the Younger, found at:

Some textures was blended with Textures/Photographs found at:

Some textures was blended with Textures/Photographs made by:
Ptirex (Anastasia Sekatskaya, ptirex@mail.ru), Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Ptirex
Keeper-Max (the-keepers@mail.ru), Copyright (c) 2008 Keeper-Max
Tiens (Tatyana Baletskaya, tiens1978@rambler.ru), Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Tiens

Some textures was blended with Art painted by. Ptirex (Anastasia Sekatskaya, ptirex@mail.ru), Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Ptirex

Some textures are based on original textures from Thief Deadly Shadows, Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Ion Storm, L.P.; Eidos Inc.


1) Models made by. Str8g8:

a) Models from "STRAITGAIT'S THIEF 3 EDITOR RESOURCE PACK", downloaded from http://www.str8g8.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ :
These models are made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 29 May 2006 for his own TDS fan-mission "The Bridge".

b) Models for "TDS Robot Character" made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 2006-2010 specially for this mission.
"TDS Robot Character" created for this mission was inspired by. the combat bots from Thief Metal Age.

2) Models made by. David Ayre (Ziemanskye, ziemanskye@hotmail.com) (c) 2006-2010, made specially for this mission or downloaded from http://jayb.ath.cx/SMeshes/index.php

3) Models made by. Flux (den@bittersense.com) (c) 2006-2010, downloaded from http://jayb.ath.cx/SMeshes/index.php

4) Models of the parts for "The Hoisting Crane" made by. Serge (toserge@mail.by) (c) 2010 specially for this mission.


1) Ambient Music was made by. James Packer (j-packer@34jays-place.eclipse.co.uk) with "SONY Sound Forge 8.0" audio editor. (c) 2007-2009 James Packer.

2) Sounds made by Inchadney (c) 2008 and Sirplus (c) 2006, downloaded from http://www.freesound.org/


Video was made by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 2006-2010


1) Texts for "The Alarm Bell" and "The City Tribune" newspapers was written by. Str8g8 (Straitgait, str8g8@hotmail.com) (c) 2010

2) Texts for "Lord Deadheart's Diary" and "Secret Papers" was written by. False (false83@list.ru) (c) 2008. Partly changed by Tiens. It was planned to be an indivisible subplot but unfortunately I had to cut it in pieces.

3) The poem "The Sick Rose" written by. William Blake (english version only).

4) Two poems ("Folk Couplets" and "Prisoner") written specially for this mission (russian version only) by. Ptirex (Anastasia Sekatskaya, ptirex@mail.ru), Copyright (c) 2009-2010.


T H A N K S :

- Very big thanks to all people who created Thief Deadly Shadows for such a perfect game!!!

- Very big thanks to all people at Through The Looking Glass Forums who wrote tutorials for T3Editor.

- Very big thanks to the "CG Textures" and to all people who have contributed textures to this site. Very useful source of textures!

- Very big thanks to my husband Andrey Reutov and my friends Ptirex (Anastasia Sekatskaya) and Lynx (Irina Chetvertneva) for all their encouragement. Special thanks to Andrey Reutov and Lynx for permission to use their photos in "Pseudo-Historical Portraits" creation.

- Big thanks to Str8g8, John P., Judith, Renzatic, STiFU and BrendaEM for such a beautiful textures. Special thanks to Judith for the improved versions of my textures he made for me.

- Big thanks to Str8g8, Ziemanskye, Serge and Flux for such amazing 3-D models. Special thanks to Str8g8 for the mesh he made for my "TDS Robot Character", to Serge for "The Hoisting Crane" meshes and to Ziemanskye for the "Dress-making Dummy" mesh.

- Big thanks to Str8g8 (Dom Wright) for such a stylish video.

- Big thanks to James Packer for the excellent music.

- Big thanks to my friend Ptirex (Anastasia Sekatskaya) for such a stylish map she painted and three poems she wrote specially for this mission.

- Special thanks to Serge for all his help in "TDS Robot Character" creation.

- Very big thanks to Pavlovscat for follow-up correction of English texts. The work you have done is just perfect!

- One more big thanks to Beleg C?thalion for translation into German.

- One more big thanks to Krenim for translation into Italian.

- One more big thanks to Brethren and Ziemanskye for all their brilliant ideas and advises about improving my texts.

- Big thanks to Str8g8 and False for such a top-class texts, they wrote for my mission.

- Big thanks to CrackedGear for searching extracts from different literature to help me. All these texts were a good example of style and gave me lots of inspiration for my own texts.

- Thanks to Keeper-Max and Savar for help in searching information and pictures. Special thanks to Keeper-Max for high quality of the photos he shared with me.

- And, finally, very big thanks to my testers: Ziemanskye, Nomad of the Pacific, Judith, Beleg C?thalion, pwyll, Serge, Morgil, Brethren, Ptirex, Lynx, Andrey Reutov, Stephen Olsson, HellFier. Special thanks to Ziemanskye, pwyll, Judith, Morgil and Serge for their perfect testing reports.

- And, of cause, very big thanks to all, who is not mentioned here, but who helped this mission (and the whole "The Cabal" campaign) to be born.


* Loading Information *

GarrettLoader Ready (Created for version 1.42). DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE !


* Copyright Information *

This level was created between 16th April 2007 and 05th October 2010 by Tiens.

Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.

This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.


• Uploaded 09.10.2010
• Size 464.27 Mb
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