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The Garden of the Wizard

The Garden Of The Wizard
A Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows Fan Mission
By Francesco N.

Author : Francesco N.
Contact Info : eagleflyaway@libero.it
Homepage : N/A
Version : 1.0
Date of Release : 10th marzo 2012

Scripts Required :

Description :
This evening she came to see my dear friend Eljiana very worried about his brother Jack, who has been missing for several days, Jack is the baker of the village, which also happens to be my friend, she was sad and asked me to help her.She said that :"the last time he was seen near the fountain Hammer " and I felt another on that enchanted garden: a garden in the ancient legend of a magician is buried, somewhere, the "Dagger of the Force" an object of immense prestige, which is said to appertenuto an ancient warrior and knight "Franciscu the sherwd " that killed the king of the City of Arkanas piercing him with the knife "but this is not safe, I think people in this country has a lot of imagination and has made it all up for mediocre minds, maybe it was a fairy tale for children then become legend, though, I have come to the city 'and find the clues and stop my friend from a dangerous journey and uncertain.For first thing I will give a look at his house!!!********************************************************Italian Briefing ************************************************************Storia Di Harten.Questa sera venuta a trovarmi una mia carissima amica: Elijana ,molto preoccupata per suo fratello Jack,che scomparso da diversi giorni, Jack il salumiere e panettiere del villaggio e poi tra l'altro un mio amico,lei era triste e mi pregava di aiutarla, mi diceva che l'ultima volta che aveva visto suo fratello era nei pressi della fontana Hammer; e ne ho sentita un altra sul quel giardino incantato:Un antica leggenda racconta che nel Giardino di un Mago sia sepolto ,da qualche parte,il "Pugnale della Forza" Un oggetto di inestimabile prestigio,che si dice sia appertenuto a un antichissimo guerriero e cavaliere"Francisco Lo Scaltro "che uccise il Re della citta di Arkanassa trafiggendolo con quel pugnale" una bella storia..ma tutto questo non sicuro,Credo che la gente in questo paese abbia molta fantasia e abbia inventato tutto per menti mediocri,forse era una fiaba per bambini poi divenuta leggenda, tuttavia devo entrare nella citta' e trovare degli indizi e fermare il mio amico da un viaggio pericoloso e incerto.per prima cosa dar un occhiata a casa sua!!!"*******************************************]###################################################[***

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : The Garden Of The Wizard
Mission File Name(s) : Garden
Difficulty Settings : NO
Equipment Store : NO
Map : NO
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : YES
New Sounds : NO
New Objects : YES
Multi language support : Yes: English,Italian,Polish
Readme Language : Italian , English
Difficulty Level Info : Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert

Known Bugs :
sometime yuor mind can go away in another place...to play well this mission is needed at least a core duo 2.2 Ghz. better if more powerful.because it is full of things. Static meshes . and other modified emitter. if I take away a lot of doodling is meaningless. becomes very minimal. and then I would not like.some door has sound. ( is a mission that I did just for funI hope you like it :) )

Video Briefing Length :
Video Briefing Size :
Base : Scratch
Build Time : 3 years

Notes :

Thanks :
Me Es and superIO ,my cat and a Big Thanks to nomad of the pacificClearing , Cardia , (betatester) Keeper m. ( polish translation ) ,J.P Textures. and all who have encouraged me in some way. Thanks

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*Copyright Information*
"This level was created by Francesco N. 8th marzo 2012
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 09.04.2012
• Size 226.13 Mb
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