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The Oldstone Castle

6th July 2007
Author : Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana), Russia
Contact Info :
Homepage :
Version : 1.2
Date of Release : 6th July 2007

This FM was done with fun in mind. It is a small quest inside an alive and very
deceitful building. Do not let it trick you!
It is my first mission and I really enjoyed learning to work with T3Editor.

*Playing Information*

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : The Oldstone Castle
Mission File Name : RoomQuest_T3FM_v1-2
Difficulty Settings : YES
Equipment Store : NO
Map : NO
Auto Map : NO
New Graphics : NO
New Sounds : NO
New Objects : YES
Multi language support : YES, English, Italian, German
Difficulty Level Info : Easy,Normal,Hard,Expert
Known Bugs : * Some times player would need to push buttons twice
for making flying elevators move (Hammer Church).
* Some times textures in Drunken Pub puzzle changes
to "nonadded" texture.
Video Briefing Length : Text Screen
Video Briefing Size :

Base : Scratch
Build Time : Three months
Testers :

Great thanks to all who tested this FM:

???????? ????????? (Ptirex) - Sekatskaya Anastashia
?????? ?????? - Reutov Andrey
Hope Vincent
Garrett's Landlord


- Added possibility to move free through all unlocked locations (opened teleporting
books are frobable).
- Improved all puzzles in Library (added new detailes, solved "no work after loading"
- Improved puzzle in Drunken Pub (added new detailes, solved "no work after loading"
problem, added possibility to fail mission on pushing wrong number combination).
- Improved puzzle in Bedroom for visitors (solved "no work after loading" problem,
added new detailes).
- Improved puzzle in Sea Shore (switches are moved lower).
- Improved puzzle in Church (added new detailes, solved "no work after loading"
problem, flying briges do not stack any more).
- Improved performance in The Library and in Sea Shore.
- Frobing stuff Garrett talks only once now.
- Added new drammatic end!
- Added Italian translation from Krenim.

- Added German translation from Le C?t (Beleg C?thalion).

Thanks :

Great thanks to Komag for the KomagTutT3 and to Ziemanskye, GlasWolf, STiFU, str8g8,
Judith, Bardic, nomad of the pacific and Tazonne for their very good advises.

Great thanks to Krenim for the Italian translation and to Le C?t (Beleg C?thalion) for the German translation!

Thanks everyone who are responsible for the release of the editor and for writing
the tutorials.

Thanks everyone on the TTLG-forums for their very useful posts.

Great thanks to all who tested this FM!!!

Great thanks to my dear friend Sekatskaya Anastashia (Ptirex) for being so attentive

Thanks to my dear husband, Reutov Andrey, for being so kind to get off "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."
for testing this mission! (??????? ????? ???????? ????, ??????? ??????, ??? ????
?????????? ?? ????? ?? "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."?, ????? ?????????????? ??? ???-??????!)

*Loading Information*

This zip file contains a fan made mission for Thief: Deadly Shadows.
The game must be patched to version 1.1 for this to work.
To run this map, install it with GarrettLoader, then start a new game.
*Copyright Information*

This level was created by Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana) 9th April 2007
Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact.
You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission.
No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way.
This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.

6 July 2007
Autore : Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana), Russia
e-mail :
Homepage :
Versione : 1.2
Data di rilascio : 6 July 2007

Questa FM ? stata fatta con l'idea di divertirsi. E' una piccola missione all'interno
di un edificio vivo e ingannevole. Non lasciare che t'inganni!
E' la mia prima missione e m'? piaciuto imparare a lavorare con l'editor di T3.

*Informazioni di gioco*

Gioco : Thief III: Deadly Shadows
Titolo missione : The Oldstone Castle
Nome file missione : RoomQuest
Livelli di difficolt? : Si
Acquisto attrezzatura : No
Mappa : No
Mappa automatica : No
Nuova grafica : No
Nuovo sonoro : No
Nuovi oggetti : Si
Supporto multilingua : Si, inglese ed italiano
Info difficolt? : Facile, Normale, Difficile, Esperto
Bug conosciuti : A volte il giocatore deve premere due volte i tasti per attivare
gli ascensori volanti (nella chiesa hammerita).
Durata video iniziale: solo testo
Dimensione video iniziale:

Base : dal niente
Tempo di costruzione : tre mesi
Testers :

Grazie a tutti:

???????? ????????? (Ptirex) - Sekatskaya Anastashia
?????? ?????? - Reutov Andrey
Hope Vincent
Garrett's Landlord


Un grosso ringraziamento a Komag per il KomagTutT3 e a Ziemanskye, GlasWolf, STiFU, str8g8,
Judith, Bardic, nomad of the pacific e Tazonne per i loro buoni consigli.

Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno permesso il rilascio dell'editor e coloro che hanno scritto
i tutorial.

Grazie a tutti i participanti ai forum TTLG per i loro utili post.

*Informazioni di caricamento*

Questo file zip contiene una FM per Thief III: Deadly Shadows.
Il gioco deve essere patchato alla versione 1.1 perch? questa missione funzioni.
Per avviare questa mappa, installatela col GarrettLoader, poi avviate un nuovo gioco.

Questo livello ? stato creato da Tiens (Baletskaya Tatiana), 9 April 2007
La distribuzione di questo livello ? consentita fino a quando rimarr? gratuita e
l'archivio sar? tenuto intatto.
Non potrete includere questo livello in una qualsiasi raccolta di mappe senza il mio
permesso esplicito.
Nessuno pu? editare questa missione o modificarla in alcun modo.
Questo livello non ? stato realizzato e non ? supportato dai Looking Glass Studios,
dalla Ion Storm o dalla Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 06.07.2007 • Size 48.19 Mb
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