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Night of the Long Knives

Night of the Long Knives
Part 2 of The Cabal campaign
By David Ayre (Ziemanskye)

Author : David Ayre (Ziemanskye)
Contact Info : ziemanskye@hotmail.com
Version : 1.1
Date of Release : 20th October 2010

Description :
"A Free Man shall not think well of himself - but he shall see himself clearly. He shall not sleep soundly - but nor shall he be murdered in his sleep. A Free Man shall not be loved - but he shall be feared. He shall not be good - he shall surpass all notions of right and wrong. He shall be unbound by the Morality of the Slave." - writings attributed to the Overwarden.

Thus, the Flesheaters are glad to present you the second part of Thief Deadly Shadows Mini-Campaign named "The Cabal". Welcome!

Game : Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
Mission Title : Night of the Long Knives
Mission File Name(s) : CABAL_p2_NotLK.zip
Difficulty Settings : YES
New Objects : YES
Multi language support : YES, English, Russian
Readme Language : English, Russian

Known Bugs :
- There is no French language because Russian is included instead.
- Lots of things with the graffics and some rooftops/objects have missing foot-step sounds.
- The introductory video named EF_Titles.bik which the game shows before loading the main menu is always played without any subtitles. So, I simply included the subtitles for the introductory video into the "Description" text of this readme to make this video more understandable.

Base : Scratch
Build Time : About 3 years, more off than on, but really about 8-10 months

Notes :
If you're not sure where to go: check your map, the more interesting places are marked.

Thanks :
- Tiens for re-packing the level, release preparation and for Russian translation.
- The people at TTLG who keep asking for new TDS missions: it's always good to know someone will play what you release.
- The rest of The Cabal team, for putting up with my attitude problems and listening politely when I told them how I thought their levels should be made better.
- And for letting me take time off to finish and release another mission whilst I was burnt out on this
- And Laird Vanguard, as usual, for doing his utmost to break my level whilst testing things for me. And for succeeding, repeatedly, dammit.
- And, of cause, thanks to all, who is not mentioned here, but who helped this mission (and the whole "The Cabal" campaign) to be born.

*Loading Information* GarrettLoader Ready (Created for version 1.41). DO NOT UNZIP THIS FILE!

*Copyright Information* "This level was created by David Ayre (Ziemanskye) between 2006 and 2010. Distribution of this level is allowed as long as it is free and the package is kept intact. You may not include this level to any map pack without my permission. No one may edit this mission or modify it in any way. This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios, Ion Storm or Eidos Interactive.

• Uploaded 19.10.2010
• Size 209.03 Mb
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