Thief 1

30.11.24 - Maps
29.11.24 - Maps
27.11.24 - Maps

Thief 2

27.12.24 - Maps
22.12.24 - Maps
18.12.24 - Maps

Thief 3

25.05.24 - Maps
05.04.22 - Maps
25.11.21 - Maps


01.12.24 - Bonus
30.11.24 - Bonus
11.11.24 - Mods


02.03.08 - Mods
30.12.03 - Editors
30.12.03 - Editors

The DarkMod

30.11.24 - Maps
16.11.24 - Maps
31.10.24 - Maps


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The Cultist Church

Take a hot boring summer, an overwelming urge to map for this fine mod called Thievery and no concrete plans what ya wanna do exactly and ya end up with some bigass map totally unsuitable for online TvG play ^_^

However, i think the factors which disqualify it for online TvG (Big, lots of loot) make it perfectly fine for Coop play, and in times of Half Life 2 and Doom 3 (almost) anybody should have a rig to run it well (i hope) =D

For anybody getting lost in the Catacombs : Just follow the left or right wall. And warn yer pals before ya pick up whats down there..we have confirmed reports of people flying from the roof.

Credits go to Big_D for making some real niftay waypoints ;)

• Uploaded 03.02.2004 Schleicher
• Size 4.88 Mb
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